Chapter 30: almost at the concert

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(yenne's POV)

It was the day before the concert. I was determined to focus on my lectures and finish studying for tomorrow too, today. So I told the group chat, 'I can NOT talk today, at all, so yeah' Besides, they'd probably be busy too preparing for the concert or something.


Indeed, they were as busy as they could be. Chan and Felix were in an Instagram live. Han and Lee know were watching a movie together, Jeongin was experiencing lockdown nostalgia through among us, Seungmin reading his book on 'how to stay sane' for the third time, Changbin dancing to gg songs, and Hyunjin wasstaring at his drawing wondering 'where did I go wrong?'

"I washed up early today," felix said, out of nowhere.
"Oh you did? I need to wash up," Chan said. Felix replied with a disgusting look.
"Ew Chan, look at you showing yourself to stay without washing up!"
Chan laughed, and one comment caught his eye, "go wash up', guys, should I really end the live and go wash up?"

The comments said, "who said you had to end the live to wash up?" Chan decided not to read it out loud, he did let out a flustered-awkward laugh.

"Play some music," Felix said, again, out of nowhere.
"Should I? What should I play?" Chan asked, as he carefully read suggestions from the chat.


I was writing down all the points I recollected from the lecture before the next lecture started. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice from Seoha's phone, I thought really hard and it hit me. It's Chan's voice! This is exactly what he sounded like on the call!

When it hit me, I was frightened. Was Chan on a call with Seoha?! I quickly went and sat next to him and peaked into his phone. He jumped a little due to the sudden move, and also quite flustered, I'm not sure why he was flustered but I chose to ignore it.

I realised it was an Instagram live, with Chan and Felix! Seoha said, "oh? You wanted to see the live?" I almost ignored him until I realised he was talking to me.
"Ah yes! I've been learning their names and stuff for the concert," I said, giving him a smile.

I heard felix say 'play some music' and I froze. No way that's his voice. Does he have a sinus? I turned to Seoha and asked "Is felix- um, the blonde guy, not feeling well?"
"He is, are you asking cuz of his voice? Haha all the new fans experience this," He replied laughing.

"That's his natural voice? Like his real, unfiltered voice?"
"No way, he looks like a baby!"
"A baby with a deep voice!"

(Third person POV)

Chan played a song, and seeing yenne's face, Seoha said, "the song's called lalalala, it's their most recent song,"
"Oh? The song's really good!" Yenne replied, her eyes glued to the screen.

As Chan and Felix were vibing to the song and singing along to some bits. The chorus played, and the live was intruded by a surprise voice. A voice from behind the screen sang loudly 'LALALALA LALALALA JUST FEEL THE ROCK'

The voice came and sat next to Felix to reveal, It was our beloved quokka Han!
"Hannie!" Yenne exclaimed. She didn't realise how weird it was for her to say that, until she noticed how weird Seoha was looking at her.

"I told you right? I've been trying to learn their names, and his name was the easiest to remember for me," Yenne said.
"I didn't even say anything," Seoha replied. Yenne nodded awkwardly, and turned to look at the live.

She realised watching the live with Seoha is not a good choice. She looked at her watch and said, "would you look at the time, I need to go!" And walked away.

Once she was far enough, she took out her phone, went on Instagram and found their live. As soon as she opened the live she saw Chan, Felix and Han jumping and bopping their heads to Miroh. She looked at the comments to find the name of the song. 'damn, all of their songs are so good,' she thought to herself.

Suddenly someone threw a pillow at Han, and walked into frame to reveal himself. Yenne froze as she saw who it was. It was Minho! She stared at his face, not understanding a thing he was saying but still feeling like they're the most pretty words she's ever heard.

She kept the phone close to her face, and stared at his face closely, and listened to his voice with precision. She didn't know it at the time, but this little crush was soon going to turn into actual serious feelings.

They then played a gg song, they played queencard, and vibed to it. Minho sat down to read comments. And Yenne couldn't resist the urge to comment something in case he reads it, She commented 'your hair is magical' and laughed to herself.

She stopped laughing when she heard Minho read a comment that said 'Lee know be my boyfriend for 5 seconds' He smiled and looked at the camera, Yenne was just about to click off when he said, "No" and then laughed like a maniac. 'he's loyal to me!' her delulu thoughts said.

She watched the whole live, going completely against her study promise, but she felt happy watching the live. Finally, the four of them said 'byeee stay' and she hugged the phone before putting it away.

She felt even more excited for the concert now, they were all just as chaotic and active in real life as they are in the group chat!


To be continued. . .

Bonus chapter cuz why not

And since I already uploaded this chapter, next week's chapter will directly be the concert chapter! Hope you guys are as excited as I am!

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