Chapter 18: coffee with Seoha

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{yenne's POV}

I decided to wear outfit no 2, idk why, minho chose it for me. I have no idea how some guy online choosing an outfit out of comedic jealousy makes the outfit special, but it does. I mean, the outfit feels special to me, so it's special!

I wore vanilla scented perfume and brushed my hair, I added a couple of pretty clips here and there. I applied some tinted strawberry lip oil, did one last outfit check in the mirror and grabbed my purse. I was about to open my chats with minho, I wanted to say something before leaving, but I heard a knock at the door. I kept my phone in my purse and walked to the door.

I opened the door and to my pleasant surprise, Seoha's outfit had the same colours as mine! Somehow minho ended up picking the better outfit.
"Ohh damn girl you look good today!" Seoha said, giving me a hug.
"Thank you! Look! We're matching!" I said smiling bright.
"Yeah! We're perfect!" He said.
"What?" I asked. He nodded and raised him arm, gesturing me to hold onto it. I held it, and we went down to the cab together. He even opened the door for me.

Minho's words rolled in my head 'he definitely likes you!' I thought to myself, am I being oblivious? Surely not! I mean, Seoha's always been like this. It probably doesn't mean anything, Seoha's just a gentleman.
"Wouldn't Jenna feel left out if we keep hanging out on our own like this?" I joked.
"Nahh, Jenna always says she's busy," he said.

Well, that confirms it, Seoha doesn't like me, he asks Jenna too. We reached the cafe and the cafe did have really nice ambience, the music was chill and lofi. We got a seat near the window, again while sitting down Seoha pulled a chair for me. Typical Seoha being a gentleman again, I thought.

We sat down and ordered our favourite coffees. We talked about our college drama as we waited for coffee to arrive. The coffee finally arrived, they were really good. I mentally noted down the name of the cafe, if I ever had to take someone out on a date, this cafe would be perfect!

As we were talking about music, the topic of conversation slowly tilted towards kpop. I remembered just then, Seoha's a huge 4th gen kpop stan. Whatever that means.
"I do listen to 3rd gen groups too! Like EXO, twice, BTS, etc. just not as much as I listen to Enyphen, ATEEZ and Stray kids," he said when I called him a 4th gen stan. The name stray kids made me straighten up, that's the name of the group the boys tell me to avoid if I'm not wrong!

"Stray kids?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah I know the name's kinda funny but they're actually a really good 4th gen boy group! Their music is awesome!" He said, getting all excited. Something I like about kpop Stans is that they get so giddy and excited whenever someone let's them talk about their faves, it's really cute.
"Oh! Are you interested in getting into kpop?" He asked. Before I could even answer he added, "Stray kids are doing a concert in Sydney in a month or so, it's only 3 miles away, do you wanna go?"

"Um I don't know," I said, I was hesitant to say yes. I was kind of considering getting into kpop, but stray kids? I don't doubt Seoha's taste in music but I don't wanna disobey the boys. Especially Chan! He would never strongly say no to something unless he has a really good reason!
"C'mon! It'll be really fun! I'll get tickets for both of us as soon as we get back!" He insisted. I couldn't say no.
"Fine, it's worth a shot," I sighed. His face lit up and I could see his feet shaking in happiness, he was like a golden retriever puppy, so cute.

As we finished the coffee and paying off the bill, It randomly hit me. 'in 3 days, it'll be 3 months since I met the boys!' I don't know why it felt so special, but it did. I was smiling all the way back to my hotel room. Seoha talked a lot but everything he said went through one ear and out the other.
As I got home and changed into my PJ's and took off my hair clips, I couldn't stop thinking about texting the boys again. However, As soon as I was done, I lied down on the bed, and didn't even realise when I fell asleep.

I woke up from my nap, checked the time and realised I had slept through the whole evening! It was 8:00pm! And I was starving. I decided to tie my hair in a messy bun and went to the college cafe to grab some food. After I was full and happy, I hopped back to my room.

And then I walked in on my to do list, I had to write an essay and submit it by 11:00pm. I had only two hours left. I quickly got to work and after losing about all my brain cells, I completed the essay. I managed to submit it 5 minutes before the deadline, isn't that just awesome? I was so exhausted, I fell onto my bed, and as I slowly fell asleep, I thought to myself "I didn't get to message minho again today".


To be continued. . .

Double update cause exams just ended!!

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