Chapter 31: The concert

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I Finished this chapter early cuz of my excitement. So why wait until Thursday? Imma just release it now cuz why not.

This is it folks, the not so long awaited concert episode!


(Yenne's POV)

It was finally, the day of the concert. I woke up an hour before my alarm, and scrolled on Stray Kids' Instagram as I did my morning routine. I blooming with excitement.

I went on Pinterest, and looked at more stray kids pictures, the number of Minho pics I downloaded is embarrassing.

Jenna came over to help me get dressed. Now, we wanted Stray Kids to recognise me incase the spot me, so she styled my hair exactly like it was in the pic I sent in the group chat.

We were gossiping and giggling as she did my make up, it reminded me of high school where I'd do similar 'delulu girl' things with my girlfriends. Fun times.

Once we were all done, we waited for Seoha to come pick me up. He knocked on my door, and his facial expression was not what I expected when he saw me. He stood there, with a surprised face and looked me up and down. "Oh my god, you look so pretty!" he said finally.

"Haha thank you! let's go to the concert! been waiting for this!"


The Concert

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Seoha had indeed gotten us front row tickets! The stage was right in front of my face!

The whole stadium was roaring with excitement before they even came up, it made me so happy to see that these boys were loved so much. I felt proud and was filled with happiness. Me and Seoha too, screamed to be a part of the lovable crowd.

I thought the screaming before stray kids showed up was loud, but the moment they did show up greeting stay, stays screamed their lungs out.

Stray kids said 'hello stay' as they looked around at all their fans, I made eye contact with Han for a second, but I don't think he really noticed me because he looked away almost immediately.

While Chan and Felix spoke to the crowd for a bit, I saw Minho standing there, smiling at everyone, I kept looking at him. Suddenly, he looked at me! He looked away but then looked back, kinda shocked. He looked at me long and hard, and I smiled at him, he tilted his head, and I laughed at the cuteness.

Seoha heard me laughing and looked, and he realised what was going on, he freaked out, and Minho looked away.
"You got noticed!" Seoha said.
"I know, I can't believe it!" I replied.

Stray kids performed Maniac, and while performing I made eye contact with Minho so many times, so many times, I couldn't stop blushing.

While doing the chest-bop step he was facing me, and he looked at me for a bit, but he smiled and looked away, still smiling. I screamed like other stays, but I screamed while smiling and staring at Minho's face, because he kept looking away flustered everytime he looked at me.

I knew it then, Minho recognised me. After they were done performing, Chan was talking to stays, and Minho took the chance to go and whisper something into Han's ear, and Han looked at me, and waved, I smiled and waved back.

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