Misana - New colors

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In a quiet street in Seoul, amid the sparkling lights and soothing sounds of the nocturnal city, lived Sana and Mina. Both Japanese, they had decided to move to South Korea to pursue their dreams and build a life together. Sana, with her long dark hair and sparkling eyes, was a talented painter. Mina, with her delicate appearance and captivating features, worked in the world of fashion. Their home was a haven of creativity, a place where Sana's brush danced on colors, and Mina's ideas took shape.

A tranquil winter evening had wrapped the city in a blanket of snow, creating a magical atmosphere. Sana and Mina, wrapped in their warm coats, walked hand in hand through the illuminated neighborhood.

"Sana, this is so romantic!" exclaimed Mina, gazing at the crowded streets adorned with Christmas lights and decorations.

"Yes, it's as if the city were painted by a celestial artist," replied Sana, gently squeezing Mina's hand.

That night, they decided to dine at a cozy restaurant, enveloped in the romantic winter ambiance. Seated near the fireplace, with candlelight flickering in their eyes, Sana and Mina ordered warm food to fend off the cold.

"I love your smile when you watch the snow, Mina," said Sana, delicately caressing her hand.

"And I love the way your eyes light up when you talk about your art," replied Mina, smiling.

After a delightful dinner, they opted for a nighttime stroll in the park, where trees were adorned with lights, and the streets were quiet under the snowy blanket. The biting cold was mitigated by their company and shared laughter.

Returning home, Sana decided to surprise Mina with a special gift. She approached her studio and took a canvas she had secretly worked on. Unrolling the canvas, she revealed a detailed portrait of Mina, her hair gently dancing in the winter wind.

"Oh, Sana! It's wonderful!" exclaimed Mina, eyes filling with emotion.

"I hoped you would like it. I wanted to capture your beauty in a special moment," said Sana, embracing her affectionately.

That night, their love seemed to shine even brighter, illuminating the room with a warm glow. However, life is full of ups and downs, and an unexpected challenge awaited them.

Days slipped slowly into a harmonious routine for Sana and Mina. However, a cold winter morning brought shocking news. Sana began to notice changes in her color perception. What once were vivid and bright now seemed faded, deprived of their brilliance.

Consumed by worry, Sana sought medical advice. Hospital visits became a painful routine as she searched for answers to her sudden vision deterioration. Mina, by her side, tried to offer comfort, but the shadow of fear grew longer.

"What's happening, Sana?" asked Mina one evening, holding her in her arms.

"The doctors are not sure. They say it might be a rare form of color perception distortion. But we need more tests to be certain," replied Sana, her voice trembling.

Weeks passed, and Sana's problem worsened. Colors, once so vibrant, became increasingly dull and distorted. Painting, her passion and source of joy, became a frustrating task. Mina watched helplessly as the love of her life fought against an invisible enemy.

"I miss you, Sana. Your paintings were so beautiful and full of life," said Mina one evening, looking at an old work by Sana.

"I feel like I'm losing not only the colors but also a piece of myself," confessed Sana, eyes lost in infinite sadness.

Mina decided to do something special to bring some joy back to Sana. She arranged an evening in their home, lit by colorful candles and adorned with Sana's paintings, attempting to recreate a lively and colorful environment.

"Sana, I want you to know how loved you are. Even without colors, our love is stronger," said Mina, holding her.

However, Sana's struggle against the loss of color was undermining her spirit. Days became increasingly darker, and her passion for art turned into a distant memory. The couple faced a challenge neither of them had anticipated, and the fear of the future crept between them.

One evening, as the cold enveloped the city, Sana and Mina found themselves walking under the moonlight. Sana, eyes turned to the starry sky, spoke in a faint voice.

"Mina, facing reality is tough. I'm afraid of completely losing my sight, of not seeing the world I love anymore," confessed Sana.

"Sana, no matter how things change, I'll always be by your side, facing the challenges together," replied Mina, eyes filled with determination.

However, fate had an unexpected turn in store. As they silently walked through a quiet street, they reached an illuminated bridge, with the water's reflection dancing below.

"Sana, close your eyes," said Mina, smiling.

Sana obeyed, and Mina gently took Sana's hands, guiding her onto the bridge. Bright candles beside the bridge's railing created a surreal atmosphere.

"Now, open your eyes," said Mina gently.

When Sana opened her eyes, she was left speechless. The bridge was adorned with hundreds of colored lanterns, shining like falling stars. A reflection of colors danced on the water below, creating a spectacle of light and magic.

"Sana, even if the world loses its colors, we can create new ones. The love we share is our special color," said Mina, eyes shining with hope.

The two women embraced under that illuminated sky, ignoring the external world. In that moment, Sana realized that, despite the loss of colors in her visual world, there was a rainbow of emotions and love that no shade could ever erase.

As time passed, Sana and Mina continued their lives, facing the challenge with strength and love. Every day, they created new memories and new colors, learning that true love surpasses every darkness. And as the sun set over the city of Seoul, the colored lanterns still shone, telling the story of two intertwined hearts, ready to illuminate the future together, despite life's unexpected turns.


This one shot wasn't originally supposed to be published but after receiving a request I decided to publish it. Hope you like it. Bye bye

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