Jeonghyo (M) - a smile on their faces

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This one shot is dedicated to @Eyy38. Thanks for the request I hope you like it.

Warnings: Nsfw, drunk sex (it's not that obscene but I'll warn you anyway).


Jihyo and Jeongyeon were two Korean girls who had always been bound by an unbreakable friendship. Since childhood, Jihyo was the sunny, joy-filled little girl, while Jeongyeon was more reserved and talked to no one but her.

One day, during a hot summer day, the two friends were at the park playing. Jihyo ran happily between the games, laughing out loud, while Jeongyeon watched everything with a shy smile on her face.

"My goodness Jihyo, you are so loud!" exclaimed Jeongyeon laughingly. "Can't you ever keep quiet?"

Jihyo suddenly stopped and looked at her friend with an amused look. "But how can you be so quiet all the time? Don't you realize that life is too short not to laugh?"

Jeongyeon sighed and shook her head slightly. "I'm just different from you. I don't need to draw attention to myself to feel happy."

Jihyo reached out to Jeongyeon and gently took her hands between her own. "I'm not saying you have to be like me, but I just want to see you smile more. You are so special and deserve all the joy in the world."

Jeongyeon blushed slightly at her friend's sweet words and lowered her gaze to the ground. "Thank you Jihyo, you are truly my light. I don't know what I would do without you."

Jihyo smiled lovingly and hugged Jeongyeon. "Don't worry, I will always be here for you. Together we can make every day an adventure full of smiles."

Jeongyeon felt wrapped in the warmth of Jihyo's embrace and smiled, feeling lucky to have such a special friend by her side. She had always admired Jihyo's lively and carefree nature, even if she sometimes felt a little overwhelmed by her overwhelming energy.

"Mmm...I really hope so," Jeongyeon replied, tightening her embrace slightly. "Actually, I don't know what I would do without you, Jihyo. You are my rock."

Jihyo loosened the hug and took Jeongyeon's face in her hands, looking into her eyes with affection. "And you are my calm, my balance. Together we are perfect, Jeongyeon."

The two friends remained embraced for a moment, immersed in the tranquility and serenity of the summer park. Then, with a complicit smile, they walked away hand in hand, knowing that nothing could ever separate them.

Time passed, but the bond between Jeongyeon and Jihyo grew stronger and stronger. They went through the joys and difficulties of life together, supporting each other at every moment. There was no secret they could not share, no obstacle they could not overcome together.

As the years passed, Jeongyeon and Jihyo faced adolescence, with their close bond and a good deal of school adventures. If there was anything they loved more than lunch breaks, it was that feeling of freedom that the recess bell brought.

One day during a break, Jeongyeon was intent on reading a book under a tree in the school's green area, while Jihyo came skipping over, carrying a bento box full of treats.

"Jeongyeon-unnie!" exclaimed Jihyo, holding out the box. "I made a special bento for you today. I'm sure you'll like it!"

Jeongyeon lifted her gaze from the book and smiled, touched by her friend's thoughtful gesture. "Thank you, Jihyo. You really are the best. But what made you prepare all this for me?"

Jihyo dropped down beside Jeongyeon and took a bite of rice. "Oh, nothing special. Just because you are my best friend and I want to make sure you always have a delicious lunch."

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