Jeongmosa - love is having the courage to..

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a/n: this oneshot about jeongmosa is for @momoyoo9697  i hope you like it!!


In the heart of Seoul, in the quiet neighborhood of Gangnam, lived Yoo Jeongyeon, a girl with an optimistic spirit and a brilliant mind. She always wore comfortable and practical clothes, her short hair and thick glasses were her trademark. She didn't care about fashion trends, preferring to immerse herself in books and the world of technology.

Every morning, Jeongyeon started her day with a run in the park, breathing in the fresh air and recharging her energy to face the day. Then, she headed to school, where she spent endless hours in the library or in front of the computer, deepening her knowledge in various fields, from computer science to mathematics, from literature to physics.

Despite being incredibly bright and talented, Jeongyeon couldn't find her clique among the students at school. She was often mocked and bullied for her lifestyle and appearance. But she didn't let the cruel words of others get her down; she continued to hold her head high and pursue her passions with determination.

Her only companion in life was her dog, Yuki, with whom she shared long study and leisure evenings. Yuki was the only one who truly understood her, sharing her joys and disappointments. But despite her love for her little dog and her dedication to her studies, Jeongyeon felt increasingly lonely and isolated.

One cold autumn morning, as Jeongyeon was heading to school, a group of cheerleaders from her class approached, laughing among themselves. "Look who's here!" said the head cheerleader with a disdainful smile. "The nerd Jeongyeon, always with her nose in the books!"

Jeongyeon, trying to ignore them, responded coldly: "Better to have your nose in books than in makeup like you."

The cheerleaders looked at each other, then burst into sarcastic laughter. "Oh, look, the little nerd can talk too!" said one of them with contempt. "But do you realize that nobody likes you here? You're just a nuisance to everyone!"

Jeongyeon felt a lump in her throat, but tried to remain calm. "Better to be a nuisance than an asshole like you," she replied sharply.

The cheerleaders approached menacingly, surrounding Jeongyeon. "What did you say?!" shouted the head cheerleader, her eyes sparkling with anger.

"Go ahead, say it again. You're just a bunch of chickens who think they're better than everyone else just because they can do a few jumps and yell," Jeongyeon replied, despite her heart beating fast in her chest.

The cheerleaders, furious, turned on her, mocking and insulting her with increasingly harsh words. In the end, one of them grabbed Jeongyeon's glasses from her backpack.

They started playing with them, laughing and making jokes about her appearance. Suddenly, one of the girls threw the glasses to another classmate, who caught them but couldn't hold onto them, dropping them to the ground with a dull noise.

Jeongyeon, seeing the glasses fall and break, felt a lump in her throat. She felt anger rising inside her as she ran towards them, trying to pick up the pieces of her precious accessory. Jeongyeon felt tears burning on her cheeks as she collected the pieces of her broken glasses. "Stupid jerks," she muttered between sobs.

Despite the bullying she endured, Jeongyeon maintained her resilience and determination. She continued to attend school and immerse herself in her studies, trying to ignore the insults and ridicule of her classmates. Every day, she faced the harsh reality of her situation with courage and determination.

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