Chapter 1 ~ Introduction

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Hi, I'm Diana Matthews. I always wanted to have something on my own like any start-up and for that, I was always ready to work hard. I made myself stronger to deal with my past problems. Don't think much, I'll tell you later about it. Well, Honestly I was not ready for the things that happened with me but I tried my best to deal with it. Let it be.

I was crossing the road and suddenly a car broke the signal and came in my direction at an insane speed. I thought that everything was going to end, I was going to die, and my whole body froze. I felt sorrow, I felt inadequate. I felt like a GRIM.

I was very lucky or the person was very good that he saved me for real. I was shocked. I thanked him for saving my precious life. I was a very lively person and the most precious thing to me was my life. I had the skill of smiling in every phase. I adored my existence on the earth.

The person who saved my life was very caring. He took me to the nearby café and we talked a little. I asked him about his profession and he told me that he is a real estate agent. I asked him for his card as I would need an agent for myself in future when I had the potential to buy a property.

I came home and checked on my daughter. She was sleeping because I was very late. She's just my little 7-year-old baby which always gave me strength to fight with my life crisis. Her name was Natalie. I was the manager in my office and I had good pay but still, I couldn't afford to give my daughter, the luxuries of life. I was drowning in debt and the reason for that is in my past.

I was married to a selfish man, Brandon Smith who was an offender. He was in charge of domestic violence. I was a fragile 23-year-old woman suffering it for the sake of the baby that I had in my womb. My parents asked me to abort but I couldn't help myself to keep it. I didn't want to kill an innocent little life. It was the best decision of my life and I always cherished it.

When I gave birth to a little baby girl, I hoped for a good and beautiful life with her. I had a spark of courage in my heart to protect her from every problem. I wanted to give her a complete family, that's why I lived with him.

He had 7 to 9 office and when he came home, he used to went out all his frustration on me. I never let out a single sigh from my mouth till the day he slapped my daughter. She was just a three-year-old kid watching her mom getting beaten up by her dad. The day he slapped her, I was free to leave him because now he proved that he was not able to raise a child.

He abused me in every single way he could, he disrespected me, and he attacked my self-esteem but still, I was patient to run this relationship. We got divorced and then he filed a case for the custody of the child. I was winning the case so he threatened me that he would kidnap my daughter. I asked him what he wanted and he asked for the money enough to live a good life without working. I agreed just for the sake of my daughter. I knew that he was really dangerous and he could do anything to prove himself right.

I sold my shares and my diamond necklace which was given by my parents as a wedding gift. I was helpless. I contacted money lenders and borrowed money to give him.

I was totally bankrupt. My parents supported me till I was able to carry my expenses. I got a good job as I was highly literate even more than my ex-husband.


In the Morning, we had breakfast and then I dropped Natalie at her school while going to the office. I visited the bank to check on my monthly EMIs. I paid them as it was the end of the month. I successfully gave all the borrowed money back to the moneylenders with interest. I was happy because now I could do savings.

I went to a café to celebrate this victory. I ordered a croissant and Cappuccino. I raised the coffee mug in the air and cheered to myself.


I checked in and went inside the office building. I greeted Sarah with a good morning. Sarah Jones was a good friend of mine. She had a very helpful personality and she was bestie to Natalie. She has been there since I joined the company.

I was heading towards my cabin and suddenly I bumped into a female figure. She introduced herself as a new employee.

She said, "Hello! I'm Ariana Browns. I joined yesterday. I was told to meet Diana Matthews. Do you know where is her cabin?"

"I'm Diana Matthews myself. Come with me." I said. She followed me to my cabin and we got properly seated.

I explained to her everything about our policies and things she should know. She asked me some personal questions and I answered her gladly. She left my cabin and went to her respective work.

I completed my duties and I saw time on my wristwatch. It was 7:00 pm sharp. I booked a taxi and hurriedly went out of the office building.

I again checked the time and it was 7:20 pm. The Taxi was late. Suddenly a car stopped in front of me. The glass of the window slowly goes down. There was he, Mr Charles Loughty. He was the CEO of the famous Export Business Company.

He said, "Sit in the car!"

I immediately said, "No, I don't want anyone's favour."

He said, "This is not favour, Ms. Diana. Sit in the car. You are getting late. Natalie is waiting for you."

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