Chapter 2 ~ Confusion

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He wasn't rushing at all.

I said, "Charles! Can you please speed up?"

He smirked and said, "Babe, Do you want to die early?"

I said, "You are doing this on purpose."

He laughed, "Do you think of yourself as omniscient?"

I said, "Haha! So funny."

He didn't reply and the drive home was quiet.

Mr Charles Loughty has been my Best Friend since childhood. We often fight but he knows me very well.

Then he left the city for his career. He came back and he found out that I was married and divorced and I had a little girl too.

He isolated himself from me, his friends, the media, the press and the company for 3 months. When he came back he was totally different.

He got to know about my abusive ex-husband and he almost killed him. Brandon was in hospital for 15 days after that. He was psychic sometimes.

Everyone knew that he loved me and I loved him. We were more than just best friends but we didn't confess to each other. We thought that We had so much time, we had a whole life to spend with each other. But that was a lie.

Sometimes things don't go as we planned but that's not the end, it's just the beginning.

I knew that things were very complicated and this could never be fixed. Maybe we will never be together forever.

Something in me badly wanted to be with him always. I wanted to make everything right by being with him. Things would be worse if I did that. I accepted the harsh reality which I couldn't bear. I wanted to distance him from me but he was always a caring best friend.

He stopped the Car. "if you had stopped me once, if you had called me once, if you had screamed my name once, if you had thought of me as your best friend once, I would be there, there with you." He said.

I saw purity in his eyes, care for me in his eyes, love for me in his eyes. I opened the car door and went outside. I closed it and left.

Then I came back and found him still there. I knocked on his window and he opened it.

"Come Inside," I said.

He came inside and met Natalie. I went into the Kitchen to make Coffee. I saw them playing together. She was laughing too much. It was clear that she liked him. Natalie was a very person-specific girl. If She doesn't like anyone's Aura, she immediately turns on her silent mode.

I gave him the coffee mug.

I said, "Natalie! Go and sleep. It's time to sleep now."

She said, "Okay Mommy" She jumped off the couch and went into her room.

We talked a little and I saw time. It was 11:20 pm.

"Charles! It is too late. You should go back." I said.

He said, "That's not too late! I'll manage."

"But, I can't," I said.

"Haha, You're still a sleepyhead." He said.

I said, "Yeah."

"Good, I'm happy to see that something in you is still the same." He said.

A Hush descended over us. Finally, he said, "I got to go, Bye." He left.

The Next Day, I entered the Office Building and I was surprised not to see Sarah on her counter.

I went in and it was dark everywhere. "Is anyone here?" I said, confused.

Everyone screamed together, "CONGRATULATIONS!" and someone switched on the lights.

I was so confused about everything that happened there. All my co-employees and team were waiting for me with the cake written Congratulations on it.

I asked them about it and Sarah came in front and said, "This is for you, sweetie."

"For me? But Why?" I exclaimed.

She said, "Yes, for you!" She paused and smiled and then said, "You are promoted to an Executive!"

I said, "What? Really? Is it true? This is a prank, right?" reassuring the statement I just heard.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, This is not a prank. You really got promoted." Sarah said.

Immediately a big smile made its way to my lips. I cut the cake and enjoyed the moment.

After 1 Month,
A knock on the door,
"It's very lovely to see you here! Come in!" I said.

She entered. "Where is she?" She said.

"She? Natalie! She is sleeping. Today is Sunday so!" I said.

"Ohh! Then let's have a cup of coffee together!" She said.

"Okay, I'll make it," I muttered and went into the Kitchen.

"Do you know why Kyle was behaving like that?" She said while sitting on the couch.

"Sorry Sarah, I asked him but he didn't tell me. So sorry." I said.

"It's okay. I'll find out. Don't worry." Sarah said.

I gave her a coffee mug and sat on the couch. She said, "Well Diana, Don't you think you can start a new life?"

"I did, Sarah. But we can't undo all the things that happened in our life." I said.

She was not satisfied with my answer.

She said, "Can you start from fresh?"

I said, "Say it clearly!"

Sarah said, "Okay! So listen, I think you should marry him."

"Him? Who's that?" I said. "Charles."

I put the coffee mug down. "It's impossible. It will never happen." I said.

"You don't sound confident Diana." She said.

Her words froze in my mind.

"When some thoughts make you worry then it is better to flush them out of your mind. It will refresh you from the inside."
- Diana Matthews.

I was making a presentation on my laptop. I was lacking focus.

I slammed the laptop in aggression. Observing the sky and making objects with clouds is the most relaxing thing ever. I did but this time, it failed, failed to relax me, to console me, to make me feel better.

I couldn't flush those thoughts, that conversation I had with Sarah. It was stuck in my mind.

Does He say those words to Sarah? Does He still love me? Do I overthink this? Didn't I sound confident that time? My Questioning Brain and Clueless Heart! And I was stuck between them.

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