Chapter 6 ~ An Unknown Call

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Diana's POV

I was sitting in my Cabin and rearranging all the documents. I got a call from Sarah.

I picked up the call. "Yes, Sarah?"

"She is coming!"

"Who?" I asked.

"She is coming into your cabin!" said Sarah, a little baffled by something she had just seen.

"But Who?" I again asked.

"She!" She replied in a frustrated tone.

"Sarah? Calm down first. Drink some water." I spoke.

She drank water. I could hear her grabbing the bottle in a hurry and opening the lid.

"Take a deep breath and now tell me!" I said.

"Pandora Bell is coming into your Cabin." She informed.

The Moment I listened to the Name, my ears went numb. I couldn't hear any other word.

"Diana? Are you there? Diana?"

"Ye- Yes" I stuttered

"She went in the direction of your cabin from reception just now. She was looking like a walking hurricane." She said.

"You are lying, Sarah?" I asked, not being able to believe what I just heard.

"I'm not lying. Believe me. She asked about you." She replied.

"What should I do now?" I asked, getting nervous.

"I don't know. Manage this yourself, Bye." She said and quickly hung up the call.

"Hello? Sarah? Tell me-"

My Cabin Door Opened and I couldn't believe my eyes.

She was Back.

Pandora Bell was Back

Can you believe it? Pandora!

"What is going on in Accounts?" She asked.


"What. Is. Going. On. In. Accounts.?" She asked, pausing on each word.

"I'm not privy to that information," I replied, confidently.

"This is not an expected Answer, Ms Diana," Pandora spoke.

"I should tell you that I'm no longer your Co-Employee, Miss Pandora."

"A Lot of things changed in this office since my transfer. I can sense the attitude levelling up here." Pandora taunted.

"And I can sense Jealousy reaching the max level," I replied back.

She slammed the door while going out of my cabin.

She was short-tempered from the very beginning. When I joined this company, she was also an employee here.

We were work rivals. She was perfect at her work but she hated the competition.

She would do anything to go ahead of everyone else. She was likely to use a cheat sheet during the presentation.

She was Jealous just because I too was a perfectionist.

She was promoted and transferred to another branch and everyone had relief from that pessimistic, jealous and self-centered woman. No one likes a Pugnacious woman who always troubles others.

But Now, She was Back, again working in this branch



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