Chapter 7 ~ Who's there?

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We treaded towards the tree, taking small steps.

One more step closer to the tree.

I was fearful from the inside. I grabbed Sarah's arm and tightly held it.

One more step closer to the tr- Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! (Screams)

I fell.

My leg was entangled in the bush.

"What is this, Diana? Be careful." Sarah said.

"Come now." She added while going back to the street.

She was halfway there and I was watching her from behind.

I leaned against the tree and watched the beside tree which was in the distance from the tree I was leaning on.

My eyes were glued there until my pupils dilated after seeing someone running in the nearby garden.

I was dumbfounded.

It was very scary to believe what I thought was not just a thought but a thought by someone and brought it into effect.

I know it's confusing but I was also baffled after watching it with my bare eyes.

I got up and ran towards Sarah in a hustle and bustle.

"There was someone. I sa- saw it going towards the garde- garden." I gasped, trying hard to get some oxygen.

"Not again! You should rest." She said.

"I'm not-"

"Look, Diana. I know you are a worrywart. Let's forget this and sleep. I'm going home." She stated and walked ahead.

"But Sarah, I really saw-" I was again cut in the middle by her.

"Bye Diana." She spoke and sped up.

I wanted to hit her for not listening to me. She disappeared from my sight. Her apartment was close to mine hence there was no problem for her to visit me at night.

I was alone on the street. When I realized this, I rushed towards the building.

The next morning, I was disturbed by the incident that happened last night.

I went to the office, where new tasks were waiting for me. Pandora was present to create tension in the office.

Managing all this, I came home. Natalie was behaving very strangely.

I was going to confront her about this behaviour but again I recalled what Sarah told me.

Sunday Arrived,

I was planning to visit an aquarium with Natalie. But she refused. I asked her where she wanted to go but she clearly told me that she was not interested in going anywhere. She wanted to spend her holiday at home.

I cancelled the plan.

Third Person.

Diana messaged Charles.

Diana: Lunch at 2:00 pm. What say?

Charles: No.

Diana: Okay.

Charles: Trip to the Auditorium?

Diana: How do you know?

Charles: Are you coming?

Diana: Tell me first.

Charles: Be ready by 1:59 pm. I'll come on time.

Diana: Hey! Tell me.     ....seen.

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