Chapter 5 ~ Where's Natalie?

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He splashed some water on my face. I came back to my senses. The first word I muttered was Natalie.

I stood on my legs, letting myself out from his buttress. I started running towards the lift but he held me. "I will find her, you should rest. I promise I will take her with me." He promised. I couldn't trust anyone when it comes to my daughter.

"I can't rest when I know my daughter, my Natalie is not safe," I spoke. I went into the lift and he followed me. we were on the second floor, finding Natalie everywhere. I was yearning to see her.


Natalie was standing still and was talking to someone. She was standing in the lobby, facing the dark room but it looked like a human figure was standing there.

Natalie said, "You can't be my friend. Mom told me to not talk to strangers."

A creepy voice followed after her, "I'm not a stranger dear. I'm Joker. Everyone calls me that."

Natalie smiled and spoke, "Really? I watched your show last month when I went to the carnival. You must be very funny."

The unknown voice was again audible but this time it was more scarier, "I'm funny but I can be spooky too! Do you want to see?"

She was silent and then she announced, "I watched Scary Bunny's show at night. Mumma said that I'm Brave. You can show me."

"Okay," That unknown voice said.

He peeked out of the dark with his face. It was all white with a red nose and dark red lips. He deliberately smiled and his canine teeth, looking just like an animal were visible.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh" Natalie screamed loudly. He hid in darkness in a flash.

"I told you, if you will see me, you will not be my friend. I am alone. No one likes me." The Clown said, trying to sound innocent and sad.

"Sorry, but I got scared. I am your friend now." She said.

"Natalie! Can you hear me, sweetie? Don't get scared. Mumma is here." Diana yelled as loud as she could.

The Clown said, "Don't tell your mom about me."

Natalie asked, "Why? I want to introduce you to her."

The Clown said, "We will give her a surprise later. Okay?"

"Yes," Natalie spoke. She loved surprises.

"So this is the secret between us. Promise me." The Clown spoke.

"You can rely on me. I never break promises." She said with the sweetest smile she could give.

Diana reached there as fast as she could. She took Natalie for a hug. A tear fell from her eye.

Diana's POV

"What happened? Why did you scream?" I asked Natalie.

She saw here and there and answered, "I saw a freaking spider!! You will not believe, it was so big."

"Ohh come on! Natalie, when did you start being afraid of spiders?" I asked her as I knew she was very brave.

Sometimes I get afraid of creepy crawlies but she flees them out of the house. I suspected her behaviour.

Before she could answer, Charles ran towards her and hugged her.

"Natalie, why did you come here alone?" He asked her, hoping for an answer.

"I was not alone. I was with my new friend." She said nonchalantly.

Charles and I passed each other surprising and tensed looks.

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