Christmas Eve

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'Percy! Gingerbread isn't blue!'

'Well then what is food colouring for?'

'Not gingerbread!'

'Why not?'

'Because it's called gingerbread for a reason!'


'Fine, make it blue! I give up!'


Christmas music was playing, filling the kitchen with it's melody. 'White Christmas' came on and Percy took Annabeth's hand and lead her to the middle of the kitchen. He took her waist and her hand snaked up to his neck. They began to sway, and then waltz until Piper and Jason walked in. They shrugged and joined in, dancing together. Leo and Calypso came in next, also joining in. Subconsciously, they began to switch partners.

After a bit, Piper and Percy were dancing together, overexaggerating every move. They both raced around the kitchen, dancing in double time to the music. Leo, Calypso, Annabeth and Jason stood back to watch, laughing slightly as Piper's hair flew behind her. Eventually, Percy and Piper stopped, laughing.

'Me and Annie should probably get back to baking,' Percy said.

The others left the kitchen, leaving Percy and Annabeth alone. Percy leant forward and kissed his girlfriends before walking back over to the oven and taking out the blue gingerbread shapes.

'Now, let's make it a house.'

They made blue icing and stuck all the pieces together, making a house. They began to decorate it with more blue icing and blue candy.

Percy flicked a bit of icing at Annabeth.

'Did you just-'

Percy smirked.

'So that's how you want to play?'

Annabeth flicked a big chunk of icing at Percy.

This soon turned into a full on icing fight which ended in a make-out session.

After a bit, they wiped the icing off their hands and face before walking into the living room.

Frank put his finger to his lips, pointing to Hazel who was curled up on his lap with her eyes closed. Reyna and Thalia were snuggled up on the sofa, same with Will and Nico. Piper was playing with Calypso's hair, Jason's arm resting casually around her shoulders. Leo sat on the floor beside Calypso, his fingers entertwined with hers. Gover and Juniper were leaning against eachother, watching the movie.

Percy and Annabeth joined Leo and Calypso on the floor, smiling. They loved their friends.

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