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'Reyna! Come here!' Thalia yelled from outside.

Reyna rolled her eyes but rushed to Thalia's help. Thalia was standing at the top of a tall ladder, one hand covering her eyes and the other gripping the ladder so tight her knuckles were white. Her knees were shaking, looking as though she was about to pass out.

'Thalia, are you okay?' Reyna asked, 'And how did you get up there?'

'I don't know, just get me down!'

'Okay, ummmm...'

Reyna scratched the back of her head, wondering what to do.

'Why don't you just climb down?'

'I-i can't.'

'Why not?'

'I just can't.'

'Okay, do you want me to climb up?'

'Not sure.'

Reyna climbed up the ladder, coming to a stop just below Thalia. She put her hands on her friend's waist and then began to climb down, never removing her hands. When they were at the bottom, Thalia uncovered her eyes and stepped away, brushing herself off casually as if nothing had happened.

'What was that about?' asked Reyna, 'It was perfectly easy to climb back down.'

'Uhhhh... I... uh... I'm scared of heights.'

The last part was sped through but Reyna had perfect hearing and lightning fast reflexes which made sure she heard. Thalia blushed and looked down at her feet before remembering herself and lifting her chin in the air, a fierce, confident look in her eye.

'Thalia-' Reyna reached out for her friend's hand, brushing against it.

Completely unexpectedly, Reyna leaned forward and brushed her lips against Thalia's. It was quick and sweet, and when she pulled away, Thalia looked shocked.

'I'm sorry,' Reyna apologised quickly, 'I-'

Thalia interrupted her by kissing her again. Reyna was surprised but leaned into it, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Both refused to be the first to pull away, savouring every second in eachothers warm embrace. Thalia's lips tasted like peppermint and Reyna's like sugar.

'Guy, we're going to-' Piper's sentences was cut off at the sight of two of her best friends kissing. 'Make another wall for Theyna!'

'It's not what it looks like!' protested Thalia, 'We are both sworn maidens!'

'Uh huh, and I'm a unicorn,' stated Piper, an eyebrow raised.

'Don't tell Artemis!' pleaded Reyna.

'I won't, don't worry.'

'Good because otherwise I would be forced to hunt you down. And I really don't want to do that because you're like a little sister to me.'


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