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Percy stirred in his sleep, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He knew something had woken him up, he just wasn't sure what. He drew out Riptide, taking a defensive stance above his friend.

'Show yourself,' he demanded.

The room was still and completely silent apart from Jason's soft snores.

'I said, show yourself.'

Out of the shadows, stepped a fat man with a long white beard, a jolly smile and a red outfit with white trim. But the most captivating feature were his blue eyes, twinkling with happiness.

'Who are you?' Percy asked.

'Why, Perseus Jackson, I am Saint Nicholas,' laughed the man. 'You may know me as Santa's Claus.'

Percy jaw dropped. 'No way!'

The rest of his friends stirred.


The others sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

'Bro, wha-'

Jason stopped seeing the man. In seconds, he was on his feet, sword in hand.

'Bro, put that sword down,' hissed Percy.

'Hello. I am Santa Claus.'

The demigods gasped. They all spoke at the same time, none of it actually interpretational.

'I have presents for all of you,' Santa's interrupted.

He handed Percy a blue parcel wrapped with a blue ribbon. Percy looked like Christmas had come early... Well, you know what I mean. He then handed Annabeth a grey parcel wrapped with a sea green ribbon, the exact colour of Percy's eyes. He gave all the demigods separate gifts before tapping his nose and disappearing in a red flash.

'Oh. my. gods.' Hazel seemed speechless.

The others just nodded.

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