This can mean thinking, or just empathizing something
Martyn's POV
I got on the bus and when I went to sit down Scott tripped me into my seat! It was the first day back from winter break and I was already tired to I decided to get back at him by throwing paper balls at him. "Stop, you're gonna mess up my hair!" He yelled, I laughed and eventually stopped because someone was standing in my way. I looked up at him and scooted over, guessing he was the person that was sitting next to me. He looked unfamiliar so I looked up at the names above our seat. Martyn and Jimmy so his name is Jimmy. I guess he's new or something.
When we got to school I met up with Scott, Cleo, and Etho. Scott was fake crying in Cleo's arms. "Why are you crying?" I asked, doing air quotes around crying. "You messed up my beautiful hair." He whined. "You tripped me so you deserved it, and it's just hair." I retorted, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "Martyn. Apologize." Cleo said sternly. "No? It's just hair, it's not like I cut it off." I shrugged. "Yeah, well hair is important to Scott so apologize or no talking until you do." Cleo said, in her mom voice. With that I walked away and decided not to let Scott win, not yet at least.
I went to my locker and groaned, it had been a while since I had to crouch down just to access my locker. When I opened it I was surprised to see that all the stuff I had hung on the door was gone. "Guess the janitors cleaned all the lockers over break." I rolled my eyes.
After I put a few things in my locker, Jimmy and some tall pink haired girl walked over. I laughed to myself as I realized his locker was also one of the lower ones. His locker was right next to mine while the other girl's was right above his. I walked to homeroom and instead of sitting near Cleo and them to talk a bit before class I just walked straight to my seat so I wouldn't have to apologize to Scott.
Jimmy and the pink haired girl walked in right before the bell rang, we all went to our seats and Jimmy sat next to me and the other one sat across the room, near Cleo. Surprisingly everyone was here except Joel because his dumbass missed the bus. I expected Scar to be late because he usually is after breaks.
"Good morning students! I'm glad to see your happy faces after the long break." Ms. Tilly said with a big smile on her face for some unknown reason. "U-um," Her smile dropped as she actually looked at our faces, I don't know why she expected us to be happy after break. "Aren't you all glad to be back?" She asked. "Do we look happy?" Scott said as he rolled his eyes, I started to laugh but then Ms. Tilly continued . "Well Scott, does Detention on the first day back sound fun?" I noticed Scott shake his head and straighten up.
Ms. Tilly had Lizzie, pink hair girl, and Jimmy introduce themselves. Jimmy seemed as if he really didn't want to while Lizzie was excited to. After they did introduce themselves and sat down, Joel came bursting in.
"Oh, glad you could join us." Ms. Tilly said. "Why are you tardy?" She asked. Joel tried to fix his hair and look "cool" but just looked stupid as he gave her a piece of paper. "I have a slip." He said. "Oh, well go sit down in that open seat near the window." She pointed at the seat opposite side of Scott. Dumb decision, they're gonna fight all semester I thought to myself.
Ms. Tilly talked a bit more about how she was excited to start the new semester with us. Fake shit like that. The bell rang after a while of Ms. Tilly talking. I got up and went to History. It was free seating because Mr. Smith forgot to do a seating chart and would have it done by tomorrow. I sat next to Joel and Jimmy sat in front of me, he didn't seem to pay attention at all after he introduced himself again. To be fair I didn't pay attention either because I didn't really care.
For second period I had French, our teacher let us finish the movie we started on the last day of school we had in December because she felt bad we didn't get to finish it so pretty boring class.
Third and fourth period were also boring and I just wanted to get to lunch so I didn't pay much attention in those classes either. Sadly my fourth period teacher held us back a few minutes because she had important stuff to tell us, no idea what it was but it was important.
When I got to lunch Lizzie was in my seat, I ignored it and sat down next to her. I sat there in silence for a little bit until Scott sat down and Lizzie, Cleo, and Jimmy? Got up to get lunch. I joined them because I didn't feel like waiting to go by myself.
I wasn't really paying attention until I heard Cleo say, "You're so cute!" I looked up to see Cleo pat Jimmy's head, I thought about saying how that's not really a compliment but Jimmy laughed and I didn't feel like getting yelled at by Cleo to not talk.
We went and sat back down and Jimmy was actually talking , I just sat there and watched them, wait that sounds creepy, more like I listened to them talk I guess.
"Why aren't you talking?" Lizzie asked me suddenly, I looked up at her before Scott answered for me. "Because he's in trouble." Scott laughed. I rolled my eyes. "He decided to throw paper at Scott this morning-" She began to explain to Jimmy and Lizzie before Scott interrupted. "Which messed up my hair I'll have you know!" Scott complained. "It's not my fault you care so much about your stupid hair." I complained back. "You aren't allowed to talk until you apologize Martyn." Cleo said. I rolled my eyes and Jimmy laughed, I paused and looked at him for a second, that's cute. "Sorry Scott." I rolled my eyes. "Good enough." Cleo said as she face palmed.
Life Series High School
FanfictionSo this is a life series fan fic but might include hints of Empires or Hermitcraft! Also I am just writing this for fun so it will be just random updates! Also the characters won't really act exactly like the real person btw!