𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 (𝐍𝐘𝐒𝐂)📆📑

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𝐍𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢💕

Finally after months of staying at home, I have started NYSC and Omo serving is no joke. I honestly won't work, it's better I have a bakery of mine and supervise all that's going on but to work is not a going area of me. I serve at energy commission here in Abuja and go for CDS every Thursday and dress in the popular khaki trousers and white t-shirt with the orange canvas, In as much as I love driving and yawo this is just too much, if I would be giving an option to withdraw I will

When chuchu came over to stay, we had fun time and go out almost every week. She her herself admitted how fun staying in our house was, but she has gone back home now and even preparing for her last exams in level 2, she is studying civil engineering in baze university here in Abuja. I was currently at home as today is weekend, i and Safwan decide to binge watch all Americans, it's a series and very interesting. We chose to have some alone time from the stress this past months and I can't still believe we have been married for 6 months already

We have been living peacefully, even though some days we have our differences yet it's still all good Alhamdulilah, we are all learning each other and trying to understand ourselves. We were into our movie when safwan received a call from his friend sulieman, after they spoke for a while interrupting our moment the call came to an end

"Hayati, sulieman and his wife are visiting us later insha Allah" he informed

"Or that's good, till they come. Once we are done with the episode we will go cook then" I replied, to be honest I didn't want anyone to come, I didn't even want to cook. I just wanted us to watch and maybe order something light but since we are having guests we have to cook

He nodded and we watched two more episodes before finally standing up, since it was prayer time we prayed first at home before setting to work

"Qalbi, what should we even cook?" I asked staring at the pantry

"Maybe rice and stew ko?" He respond and I nodded, motioning for him to seat. I got us drinks from the fridge and plantain chips

"Hayati when should we visit our neighbors? You know it's been a while since we visited any of them and they have visited a couple of time" he spoke munching on his plantains

I stirred the stew and turned to face him then replied " ohhh yes fa, we have met with maman adil this week and I promised to visit but I have been busy and don't even come back early

"Ohh Allah sarki! maybe tomorrow then, let's visit them and get some rewards" he announced

"Sure Allah ya kaimu" I replied, once I finished cooking and setting the dinning table, I left to take a quick shower before they arrived and got dressed in a boubou,pairing it with a matching veil. As I was coming down I could hear muffled sounds downstairs and I knew for sure they were here

"Assalamu alaikum" I said the taslim going into the parlor

"Walaikumu salam" was chorused by them and I moved to give his wife Zarah a warm hug

"Nafisa, how are you?" She asked after we pulled away

A smile plastered on my face I replied "Alhamdulilah I am good, it's been ages. How is work?"

"Steady all good, walahi kuwa Kwana biyu" she spoke

"Masha Allah, uncle sulieman ya garin" I turned to exchange pleasantries with her husband

"Alhamdulilah Amarya, you guys are just enjoying and not looking for anyone" he teased

"A'a kam, it's boss fault wannan Kuma" I joked

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