𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 & 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲

40 9 4

Nafisa Santuraki💕

Recently, all I do is work and work, trying to achieve greater heights and I am so excited with the progress BOULANGERIE is making. Even though I am home working, We have attended few seminars and have collected award for making a name in a short period of time. I have refurbished my restaurant and it's just the best. I have also been working on something and I promise you all would be amazed.

And I forgot to inform you I am 7 months already, Alhamdulilah I am not complaining but this pregnancy is way harder than noor's own. I have been having complications, contractions, morning sickness and anything you would call it. I have been admitted severally, sometimes I just want to push the baby out when it starts. Ummi has been by my side all through, she has told Mamie not to bother that she's here for me, Ummi sleeps with me in the hospital and even visits me almost everyday not to talk of calls, we speak 5 times daily religiously. She does everything for me except bath which I try to do it myself. I would say Ummi was sent into my life as I have lost Ummah because Ummi does exactly what Ummah would have done for me if she was here. Noor spends must of her time with Ummi or Mamie just so I can rest, I have lost a lot of weight in this pregnancy and gotten pale. I will say Alhamdulilah a thousand time since I am still breathing and my baby is too

Noor isn't around today because I was discharged from the hospital 2 days ago so she is still at nana's house. I took my water bottle and MacBook and strolled downstairs to my workplace, did some work and laid on a sofa scrolling through instagram when my phone rang, it was Hajara, Farhan's cousin and we have gotten closer within the months, she visits me frequently

"Assalamu alaikum nafisa" she said the taslim after I answered and placed the phone on my ear

"How are you Hajara, how's everyone at home" I asked

"Alhamdulilah nafisa, how are you feeling and how is noor?" She replied

"All good Alhamdulilah and I am much better, you are suffering from cold ko? Your voice sounds down" I informed

"Nafisa hamma has returned back to his lord" she announced breaking down

"Inna lilahi wa inna illiahi raji'un" was all I kept on repeating

"Jana'iza by 4;00pm and gaisuwa is taking place at my parents house in maitama" she spoke

"I will be on my way now, Allah ya masa rahama ya sa ya huta" I said and ended the call

A tear escaped my ears and more followed suit, even after what farhan has done to me, we became friends after the scenario that happened at Hajarah's house. He calls me once in a while to greet me and ask for forgiveness even after I have assured him that I have forgiven him. Hajara informed me about him having brain tumor even though it was in its first stage. Ya Allah, his death really touched me. I dailed Qalbi's phone number and informed him, he said to leave office early and get the Janaiza while I called nana to inform her and she told me to get ready, she would come and carry me to the house. I couldn't stop the tears that were profusely dropping,

I repeatedly read "inna lilahi wa inna illiahi raji'un" and remained where I was until nana arrived and met me in the small office in my house, she ran immediately to me after seeing the state I was

"Don't cry Nafisa, he is just in need of your prayers currently and remember your health issues, be easy on your herself" she comforted, hugging me for a while until when I seemed to have gotten a hold of myself

"Let me get my hijab and handbag"  I spoke after wiping my tears

"Don't worry, wash your face while I get them for you from your room" nana said

After I freshened up we headed to their house where I met a woman which looked like him and I was convinced is his mother, crying while ladies around her age comforted her, we walked to her side and greeted her extending our sympathy

I felt a hand touch me and when I turned it was Hajara, her eyes were all red and swollen from all the crying I would say and I couldn't control my tears too, I let them flow freely while we hugged. We stayed for some time until it was 5;30pm before we took our leave promising to return the next day

After I got home, I warmed some left over chicken from yesterday that I saw in the fridge and made some stir fried macaroni for i and qalbi while the maid ate indomie. We packaged everything and set on the dinning table while I left to freshen up and got dressed in a loosed knee length bubu and tired my hair in a loose bun, my eyes were swollen from all the cries.

I went down in time to hear qalbi's taslim, he had just returned from the masjid, he gave me a side hug and placed a warm kiss on my forehead then helped me to the dining table, we ate our foods in absolute silence and Bilki ( my maid) cleared the dinning, I made a hot cup of chamomile tea and headed to the parlor to meet safwan

Zahida's call came through and I picked, she consoled me and we spoke for a while before calling it a day,

"Qalbi I am off to our room, till you come" I informed putting on my flip flops and standing up

"Okay, I will be joining you now, be careful please" he replied with a smile which I reciprocated and walked slowly to our staircase, with support from the railings as I climbed. I was halfway through when I felt a wet substance passing through my legs and I stood confused wondering from where it could be dripping before realization struck me hard

"Qalbi" I called and he answered immediately running to where I was

"What's wrong?" He asked holding my waist for support

"I think my water just broke" I said and he looked down to my legs to see a transparent substance make a watermark on my legs.

"Subhanalahi, at 7 months, let's go to the room and get ready to leave for the hospital, hope you haven't started feeling contractions yet?"

"No not yet" I replied, we climbed up and he helped me clean up, he got the baby bag and I told him what and what not to add. He wanted to call Ummi but I told him not yet until we get to the hospital but we called nana and she said to meet us at the hospital

I was in the car with Bilki while I started to feel pains in my back and lower abdomen, qalbi went in to close all windows and doors because no one is staying, Bilki is going to nana's house

"Sannu Aunty, ko na Kira shi?" Bilki asked but I nodded side ways indicating no, he opened the door almost immediately and drove us to Cedar crest, while I cried in pain and they kept comforting me until we got to the hospital, The doctors advised I undergo a C-section as it's a premature delivery.

We were out of the theatre room after about 2 hours and my baby was placed in the incubator, no one was allowed to see her only her dad. I was too weak to go see her and they said she would have to be kept there for another 1 month or 2 before we could take her home, I was so heartbroken after hearing that but I don't have a say. Nana and safwan stayed for the night and we called it a day

Next Day

I was administered some drugs and IV in the morning before my family members and in-laws arrived, they stayed for sometime then left except for Ummi who exchanged turns with nana to check on the kids and rest too

"What are we naming her?" Safwan whispered while Ummi prayed

"After my mom. Saffiya Safwan Tafida and we will call her khair" I informed while he smiled a contented smile

"Allah ya raya mana ita and may Allah grant you complete shifa" he prayed and I muttered an Ameen. Ummi bathed me and kept me company, assuring me my baby will be just fine because I have been asking about her.

Heyyy guys, how are you all doing?
I am here to rant💔, I am not liking the turn out💔 you guys read but don't engage! You don't vote or comment😭, is that fair?
Well ghost readers should do me Justice and do the usuals please.

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