𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞🫂

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𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐚😮‍💨

"Safwan you have to bring your wife back, give her a listen ear" sulieman spoke, I was currently at his place

"Guy allow me please, I am yet to process this" I replied taking a sip of my soft drink

"My problem with you kenan, shegen taurin Kai ne da Kai. You didn't even hear her own part of the story and you jumped into conclusions " he retorted annoyed

"Guy forget that talk abeg, I have heard enough, yaushe zamu je polo?" I asked changing the topic

"Ohh it's polo you care about, well it's your marriage not mine, I am done trying to help. We can go today" he said

I ignored what he said"Sure let's go now kenan" I replied and he said to be back, he informed his wife and I drove us to polo arena here in Abuja

I love horses so much, even hayati does, but she doesn't ride, she's extremely scared but she loves watching me ride. I do miss her so much, I miss her presence around me so much, I miss her tantrums and also my little angel, I miss noor, I miss our little family and all the little things we share

The house is so boring and quite, all I do is just work and sleep endlessly in the house, PS; I spend half of the day in my office and have dinner at my parents house while somedays at the restaurant

After the little argument that day she moved back to her parents house the next day while ummi suggested I let her be, I trust Nafisa so much and I sometimes feel she won't betray me and at the same time people aren't to be trusted so I get confused at times

Ummi's call came through and I excused myself to answer, I sat on a seat while we spoke after exchanging pleasantries

"Safwan" she called out softly

"Yess Ummi na" I replied

"Listen to Nafisa Kaji babana, don't force her to say what's she is not ready to say" she explained

"Ummi, not you too. I will but not now, let's all just rest for sometime"

"Safwan, don't hurt yourself, nafisa is hurting herself so bad. I know nafisa will never cheat on you, I can swear on my life for that" she pressed

"Ummi I know that too but sometimes my emotion messes with me, I don't even know what I want or what to do" I said releasing a sigh

"Bring her back, she will tell you. Remember you didn't visit her for once. Ko Dan noor" ummi begged

"Ummi, I will go insha Allah" I replied defeated

"When?" She asked, when unmi wants something she will keep pressuring until she gets it

"Ummmi" I whined "later insha Allah" I said

"That's why I love you, Allah shi maka albarka. Bye darling, Allah is with you" she replied happily

I muttered an "Ameen" before ending the call, we played for sometimes before we left. I had some snacks at sulieman's house and prayed magrib before driving home. I freshened up and got dressed in a dark blue kaftan and drove to my in-laws house

After saying the taslim I went in and met Yazeed, my brother in-law playing with noor

"Papiii" she jumped after seeing me and I picked her up hugging her

"Baby how are you?" I asked caressing her cheeks

"Fine, I mishhh you papiiii" she said with a smile

I mished you too baby" I said planting a kiss on her cheeks"

"Maama is with kaka" she said

"Okay go call her" I replied bringing her to do floor while she ran inside, yazeed walked to me extending his hands for a handshake

"Yazeed Howfar? Ya aiki?" I asked

"Alhamdulilah two days, how your side?" She replied

"Normal fa, is daddy around?"

"Yes, let's go to his side" he ushered and we walked there, he excused us.

"Ina wuni daddy, ya aiki?" I greeted seated on the carpeted floor

He adjusted his spectacles before replying "Alhamdulilah my dear, how is everything going on" he asked and we exchanged pleasantries

"I know you were expecting me to call regarding Nafisa's case but I didn't. I also don't know what happened but I wanted to respect her Decision, ever since she came back she doesn't associate with anyone or eat, she's always in her room thinking or weeping" he said and I felt so bad honestly

"A'a baba, I also wanted to leave her to herself that's why I didn't come or call because I know she will certainly tell us. I am here to take her back home" I explained

"Toh Alhamdulilahi, she is inside with her mom. Ask someone to call her for you, when you guys speak you can let me know what you have decided" he said

"Insha Allah daddy, thank you so much. Na baka Lafiya" I said and walked back to the parlor and I sent the maid to call nafisa

She came down dressed in a simple gown with a head tie and at the sight she wasn't my nafisa, I have never in my 6years of life see her this way, she was looking so pale, dark circles around her eyes, she has grown so slim and looking at her I didn't see my Nafisa. I ran to hug her and she fell into my embrace tears running down from her eyes, I held her for almost 3minutes before we parted . I wiped her tears while she called out my name softly

"Safwan, I missed you" she said looking into my eyes and I hugged her back "I missed you more" I replied.

"I am sorry" was the first thing she said after we sat down on the sofa

"It's okay, I wasn't holding any grudges, but you should have told me atleast, remember we promised not to keep anything away from each other" I reminded with a smile while she nodded

"I am sorry, I was sacred" she said and I hugged her

"It's okay, I am here to take you back home" I replied looking at her eyes while she smid muttering an "okay"

We informed her parents and they let us leave. I drove us back home, saying a thing or two while noor slept in Hayati's hands

"I missed everything about this house to be honest" she said after stepping her feet in the living room

"The house missed you too, nothing felt same when you were not here" I replied while she smiled, she took noor to the room and left to freshen up while I did same and we all met in the room, with sleeping noor on her bed

"Hayati you have slimmed down so bad in the past few days. You don't look fine" I whined

"Don't worry I will regain my fat soon" she said slipping into her lingerie

"You back right, you want to mess with my brain tonight" I naughtily said with a playful smirk

"Why not" she said climbing the bed slowly while I grabbed her my the waist

"Calm down first, I have something to Say" she said

"Okay what's that?" I asked curiously

"..................The story of me and Farhan!" She said and I nodded taking her in my embrace while she spoke

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