𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐨𝐲🥹

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𝐍𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢💕

"Nafisa" ummi called, my water broke hours ago and I have started feeling light contractions, we are still home for now

"Na'am" I replied opening my eyes to look at her, I laid on the bed with my eyes closed while I supplicated.

There was no type of pleading that I didn't do for ummi to allow me go home but she turned a deaf ear, she said she took an oath to become my mother so why stress mamie, after I give birth I can go home so I just accepted. it's not like I wanted to turn her down in the fist place but I didn't want to stress her, Abbu too has not been around, he normally travels a lot so it's just ummi, chuchu and me that are at home

"You okay? Ko mutafi?" Ummi asked seating next to me

"I am okay, the contractions are much better now" I replied with an assuring smile

"Anya fa, keep supplicating toh" ummi said and I nodded, she said to be back soon and she left, I am actually scared, my heart has been somersaulting as my EDD got close and now I will be pushing out a baby in some hours

I prayed so hard for it to be easy, mind you we don't know the gender of the baby as we refused to check, we want it to be a a surprise so all this while we have been shopping unisex clothes and few gowns if it's a girl then a little bit of trousers and shirts if it happens to be a boy

"Ummi" i Called in pain hours later, I think it's time to go to the hospital

She came in running "Nafisa let's go right, Sannu. Chuchu!" she called out and she came in hurry also

"Tell the driver to get the car ready, she has gone into Labor" ummi informed and she left

"Ummi, my back"I cried in pain

"Keep supplicating it will be all easy, don't  cry mamana, here put your hijab" ummi helped me wear my hijab as she kept on saying du'as as we do it together, we got into the car and left for the hospital. Leaving chuchu at home to get something's ready

We had just gotten to the hospital , the doctor said I was just 7cm dilated and I had to be 10cm to push out my baby, as the contractions get worse I kept supplicating, any du'a that came to me I said it. Ummi sat with me, my hands in hers as we both prayed, tears scrolling down my eyes. The pain wasn't bearable, my back hurt so bad and my abdomen was as if it will divide into two

"Nafisa don't cry, you can do it. Let's pray" ummi consoled squeezing my hands a bit, we remained in that positions for hours until the doctor stepped in and after giving me the last check he said I was fully dilated, it's time. What we have been waiting for months

I felt bad a bit because Qalbi is not here, i wanted him to be with me at this moment but Allah has his plans, i was strolled to the labour room, at this point I had only my rabbi by myself

"Get ready to push now" doctor Natalie spoke, she was my doctor all through my pregnancy journey, with tears filled eyes I pushed but not even the head was out

"Push harder, breath in and out" was all I could hear as I pushed, tears kept falling from my eyes as I kept on screaming my lungs out

"One more time, push" came her voice and the last thing I heard was my baby's scream, I passed out instantly

Hours later

"Nafy" mamie called patting my head and I opened my eyes after hearing her voice, I was feeling light headed though

"Mamie you are here? I asked and she helped me up, adjusting the bed

"Yes I arrived an hour ago and you were asleep, how are you feeling now?" She asked

"Alhamdulilah, ohhh okay" my eyes wondered round the room before it landed on the cradle

"Mamie is that her?" I asked with a warm smile on my pale face, she nodded and walked to the cradle bringing my sleeping baby to me, she was dressed in a pink jumpsuit and was wrapped in a purple flannel, she looks exactly like qalbi. Her pink lips and small eyes, I Was scared at first but mamie urged me to hold her. Taking her into my arms all the pain flew away, I placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled

Can't believe I brought her to this world, mamie said to be back and I knew she wanted me to have an alone time with my baby, i caressed her tiny hands that had mittens on. I kept staring at the small sleeping beauty

I heard a knock on the door and after titling my head up, my eyes met him. My qalbi, I closed my eyes and opened it, it feels like a dream

"Qalbi is that you?" I asked surprised, he nodded walking to my side

"Congratulations to us hayati" he said with a warm smile hugging me

"Qalbiiiiii, you didn't say you will be back today" I whined, tears welling up in my eyes

"Don't cry dear, I flew back here yesterday and wanted to surprise you, thank you darling for blessing me with the sweetest gift ever, I was here since but you were asleep" he explained

"Ohhhh, qalbi look our daughter" I said happily passing her to him

"She is so pretty, her lips are just like yours. Masha Allah" he smiled and placed a kiss on her lips, he said the adhan in her ears. This means he didn't see her since until now and I looked at him do it while I smiled wholeheartedly

"What should we call her?" He asked, we haven't chosen a name for yet, I had a name I wanted to give her since day one

"Khadija Noor" i said with a smile, that's ummi's name

He called the names in her ear and placed her back in the cradle before seating next to me

"Thank you hayati, you named her after ummi and you gave me her, thank you for coming into my life" he said and hugged me

I gave him a warm smile "I didn't know I will make it but Alhamdulilah I did, qalbi shes just so charming and I love her" i cooed

"I love her too, may Allah bless her for us" he prayed and I muttered an Ameen

It's already a week since noor was born and tomorrow is her naming ceremony, she is just so cute and she smiles a-lot. We have been receiving guests and guests, my siblings are all here. I actually sleep a-lot even though I have a new born, perks of having mamie and ummi around, all I do is feed her and a little bonding time together before her grandparents collect her. Postpartum is no joke, but Alhamdulilah we are surviving it

"Yauwa hayati, the back drop should be pink or purple and white?" Safwan asked, we are planning for tomorrow

"Purple and white, it will be finer" I replied chewing my grapes "have you shared the IV?" I asked

"Ohh yes, they said to be here insha Allah" he replied

"noor is here for hira, she has refused to sleep since" ummi said passing her to me

"Allah sarki ummi, Sannu da kokari" I spoke with a smile and rocked her, ummi left and Safwan followed suits, he was going to go the mosque

"Noorul ayn, you want some alone time with maaama right" i cooed

I played with her for sometime and she finally slept after feeding her so I placed her in the bassinet and sauntered into the bathroom to perform ablution, I prayed and joined her on the bed

The naming ceremony has just finished and we all exhausted, we had over 150 guests. It was really fun though because we danced and had fun, I also got a lot of gifts. Ummi Infact gave a set of box for her namesake, i freshened up and fed noor

But today of all she chose to stay awake so we kept on rocking her till about before she slept and we called it a day

Heyyy guys, you all met baby noor today, Masha Allah
The usuals please

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