Chapter 1

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~~ Your POV ~~

My crying slowly stopped when I became too tired to even try anymore. I just sat there, gazing emptily at the ceiling.

"Is little fawn tired of running through the woods already?" I heard a deep, spine shivering, voice chuckle in what seemed like amusement. My head snapped to look at the guy, but found he was much taller then I thought. My head slowly moved upwards, and my eyes widened. Looking back at me were the same orange eyes a saw earlier in the woods. Though this time I can put a face with them. He had blond, spiky hair, with a tuff hanging down in the front. And has a lightning bolt shaped scar across his right eye. (A/n: I'm using his eye color from the manga because I find that it fits the story better. I normally would of used his eye color from the anime, which is a blue/grey.) He wore bluish grey pants, with a red belt, a purple shirt and a black coat with grey fur trimmings on his shoulders, and black headphones with a spike on each side of them. The weird part was that they didn't seem to have the part that rests on your head to keep them from falling off.

"W-who are you?" I cautiously asked.

"You don't need to know that little fawn." He grinned.

"I think I have a right to know." I attempted to cross my arms, but ended up hissing in pain.

"Little fawns shouldn't talk back. Especially since you can't defend yourself. Well, its not like you could of either way." He said and my vision started to get spotty and dark.

"Laxus, stop teasing her. She's losing a lot of blood." A silver haired woman said. 'So his name is Laxus.' Was the last thing I thought before passing out.

~~ Laxus' POV ~~

'So his name is Laxus.' I heard the girl think before she passed out. I quickly moved to catch her before she hit the floor. I felt something wet on her back, and looked to see what it was. She had what appeared to be a semi-deep set of scratches stretching down from her right shoulder blade, to about her left hip. 'I'm amazed she lasted this long.' I stood up, still carrying the girl, and giving those who looked like they were about to lose it, glares.

"What's the meaning of this?!" I heard gramps yell as he came down from his office.

"What's it look like." I growled in response. I shot off a bolt of lightning at the flame headed idiot, who was getting to close, whose eyes were showing blood lust. Even though we're normally not supposed to take blood from humans without their consent, he still forgets.

"What was that for?!" He yelled.

"You looked like You were about to break a rule. Or am I wrong?" I sneered at him. But I couldn't entirely blame him. I normally can ignore humans blood, but this girl. I don't know if I can. Her blood is driving me nearly to the point of crazy. 'She needs to be somewhere else. Far, far way from me. And fast.'

"Take her to the infirmary. Mira and Wendy will make sure no one tries anything." Gramps sighed. I just grunted in response and walked off, Mira and Wendy tailing behind me.

(A/n: okay, so I have a few things to explain. First off is yes, laxus used magic and he's a vampire. Very few vampires can use magic, and these are the dragon slayers. Secondly, yes he also heard your thoughts. Most vampires can. Most of these can only get bits and pieces of the thought, or the general feeling the person's feeling. A hand full can get full sentences. Both can't read other vampire's thoughts. And lastly, an extreamly very few can talk telepathically, whether its with another vampire, or human.)

My Luck Bites (Vampire!Laxus x Human!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now