Chapter 5

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So hey guys. For those of you who didn't know, today is my birthday. And instead of receiving gifts, I'm updating 3 books. So here's the deal, I will update 2 other books besides this one, but I need you guys to tell me which 2 to do. And the reason why I'm not accepting requests for this book for this deal, is because Newnamkitty and Carrotsssssss already requested to have this one done, if any of that even makes sense. So, with out farther delays, I give to you guys, chapter 5.

~*~ Your POV ~*~

I felt like something was shaking, but I was to tiered to care. That was before I felt like I was pushed and hit the floor.

"Ow! What the heck!" I looked around to find a certain angry blond vampire.

"Its your own damn fault for not waking up right away." He huffed and I just stared at him. No, I wasn't staring at him in a "Omg, he's so sexy!" Sort of way. It was more of a "I'm gonna stab a Bitch!" Sort of way.

"I will freaking murder you in your sleep if you ever do that again." I glared and he laughed.

"It's so cute how you think that you can kill me!" He continued to laugh, and I just about had it. 'When can I pushed him off of a cliff?'

"You could try, but it wouldn't do you anything good." He practically sneered.

"I can always jump off of a cliff myself, if it means to get away from you." I crossed my arms.

"I wouldn't let you." He looked serious all of the sudden.

"Oh? And why not? Is it because your Gramps ordered you to "protect" me?" I realized I had went to far when he growled.

"I'm not protecting you because he told me to anymore!" He looked straight at me with eyes that screamed that he was confused,lost, and maybe even scared. Like he didn't even know what he was saying, but was just saying it.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and he looked like he was debating something.

"I...... I don't know. Ugh! Just get dressed. Gramps wants to talk to you later." He turned around quickly, and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

~*~ Laxus' POV ~*~

'What was I thinking?! A vampire who has feelings for a human?! Am I insane?! No! I'm not. I'm just interested in her, because she's different. That's all.'

"Hey Laxus, is it okay if I wear this today? My shirt is practically shredded." Y/n said as I turned around and found her standing there in her shredded pants, and one of my shirts. 'Dang! She's- No! Stop thinking like that! She's dangerous. Deadly even! You can't have feelings for her! Besides, she'll forget about you soon enough. It's best not to get too attached to her.'

"Hey! Are you ok?" Y/n waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, and she frowned.

"If you say so. But you didn't answer my question."

"Huh? Oh yeah. It's fine. You're probably better off wearing that for right now, then your shirt."

"Good. I was gonna wear this ether way." She grins, and I couldn'thelp but to grin back.

"Of course you were."

"So, you said your Gramps wanted to talk to me?" She tilted her head to the side cutely.

"Yeah. We should probably get going now. Get on." I crouched down so she could get on, but she refused to.

"No. I wanna get down using a more... human... sort of way. One that's less dangerous."

"Says the little fawn who wanted to "run" with the 'wolves yesterday."

"Yeah, well, things change." She crossed her arms defiantly and I chuckled.

"I'll see what I can do. But for now, this is your only option." She huffed and got on and I headed twords the door, prepared to head to Fairy Tail.

Chapter 5.... done! So guys, I need your opinion on this. Should I make the Sabertooth guild, the wear wolves? Or the 'wolves as I'm going to call them now.

My Luck Bites (Vampire!Laxus x Human!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now