Do You Trust Me? Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

From the moment you met Crowley, he treated you differently. And not just from Sam, Dean, and Cas. He treated you in a way that he never treated anyone.
Crowley never raised his voice to you or insulted you the way he did anyone who angered him or made a mistake.
You always wanted to ask him why that was, but you were too afraid of the answer. Positive he had feelings for you, you knew your adopted brothers would gank him on the spot if they ever found out. Especially since you felt the same way about him. So, you kept your distance. Until you didn't.


You pull an apple pie out of the oven and set it on a cooling rack before turning the appliance off.

"Hello, darling."

Looking over, you see Crowley standing in the doorway of the galley. "Hey, you. Sam and Dean decided to hit a bar after our hunt. That's not really my scene, so I came back here. If you'd like, you can either leave your message for them with me, or you can pop back in later."

"I'll...just come back." He takes a couple of steps toward you. "Not that I don't trust you." A few more steps. "I just absolutely enjoy irritating those morons as much as possible." Three steps.

"And if you give me the message to pass on, it won't be nearly as fun."

"Precisely." Two more steps and he's only inches away from you.

Your gaze drops down to his mouth momentarily before you look back into his eyes. "'re more than welcome to stay if Hell can spare you." Feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, you look at the floor.

"Yes, Hell can spare me. Now we just have to figure out something to entertain ourselves with until those idiots come back."

Looking back up at him, you smile. "I can teach you how to drive." That's innocent enough, right? you think to yourself.


You can't help but laugh at the face he makes at you. "It's still light out." Without thinking, you take a hold of one of his hands. "Oh, come on. Haven't you wanted to learn? And I promise not to get mad at you if you make a mistake."

The corners of his lips turn up. "I've never seen you angry. It could be fun."

"You hush up. Come on, let me teach you. You'll enjoy it."

Crowley sighs and tries to act annoyed. "Fine. Otherwise, you'll just keep on about it."

You smile big. "How right you are."


When the two of you enter into the garage, you look at Crowley. "I'm just going to pull her out into the street. I wouldn't make you try to get her in and out of the garage just yet."

Crowley just smiles and snaps his fingers.

When the two of you appear in (Your Favorite Vehicle) just outside the bunker, you only laugh and shake your head. Looking over at Crowley behind the steering wheel, you see that Crowley is sitting extremely stiffly. You place your hand on his shoulder and quickly run it down to his elbow. "You'll be fine. We're going to start on this little off back road...more like a long driveway...that helps conceal the bunker better. Once you're comfortable with that, then we'll get you out on the open road part."

"Alright, but I have a feeling this isn't going to end well."

"Nonsense. You'll be fine. Okay, first thing...seatbelts. Then, foot on the brake or she won't let you out of gear. Next, start her up."

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