Do You Trust Me? Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

You look up from the book you're reading at the research table in the bunker when Crowley appears in front of you. "Sam and Dean went-"

"To go hunt a dragon. I know. They called me. Asked if I would come check on you. They know you're upset with them for making you stay behind."

You lean forward in your chair. "It's an idiotic reason. I'm a hunter. What difference does it make if I'm a hunter that's never had sex?"

"May I?" Crowley asks as he points to the empty chair beside you.

You close the book and sit back in your chair. "Of course."

Crowley sits down and immediately moves his chair closer to you. "There have been times when you and Sam went off and made Dean stay behind. Same with you and Dean... making Sam stay behind. On this hunt, you're the one that needs to stay behind. There's no shame in that, pet."



"Why me?"

"Well, I deciding not to be sexually active head been your decision and yours alone."

You press your lips together to keep from laughing. "No, I mean why have you always been nice to me? And don't try to blame it on the human blood. You've never treated me like you do Sam and Dean. Or Bobby and Cas for that matter. May I ask why? And whatever your answer...if you answer...stays between us. You can trust me on that."

Crowley swallows hard and looks away from you. "I...well..." He starts running his fingers along the edge of the book in front of you. "It's exactly like I said on our first date. You never treat me the way Sam and Dean do. Or Bobby and Cas for that matter. You never demand anything from me. You always thank me whenever I help you out. You take care of me when I can't heal myself. You offer me things to eat and drink even though I don't need them."

"You're not all bad. Whether you believe me or not...I don't care. I said what I said and the words are now rattling around in that head of yours for you to ponder over. I mean, look at us. We've been dating for how long now? Close to two months. I could be hunting a dragon with my brothers right now, but noooooo. And why? Cause you're a gentleman. You know, we can take care of that though. And then you could just snap me to where Sam and Dean are at."

Crowley just raises one eyebrow at you. "Absolutely not. I have no problem corrupting you, but your first time is going to be special. Especially since you have the unfortunate luck of wanting to be with a demon."

"Hey now. I'll have none of that. Demon or angel...King of Hell or God's Right Hand's just you I want to be with. It's just you I care about."

Crowley just sighs. "I'll reiterate. You say things to me that no one has ever said to me before. Not when I was human...not since I've become a demon."

"Does all this make you uncomfortable because you think it's a deception? Or because you're afraid of being vulnerable and having witnesses to that vulnerability?"

He finally stops his nervous movements and looks at you. "Can it be both?"

You place your hand on top of his and smile. "Of course it can. No judgement here. I just..."


"I didn't realize it was a fifty-fifty."

"What are you talking about?"

"You putting off us having sex. Fifty percent is you being worried about me. Fifty percent is you being afraid I'll hurt you. I'm sorry. You put up such a good front, sweetheart."

Crowley looks at your hands that are joined together. "I really need to get back to Hell. And I'm not just saying that. I really do. Boring meetings, but important nonetheless."

"Of course," you say as you pull your hand away. "Thank you for coming and checking on me. As well as making me pull my head out of my ass."

The corners of his lips turn up as he looks back at you. "You're welcome."

"I'll see you later, Mister Big. Be careful."

"Yes, of course. Always." He's still looking at you when he vanishes.

You're sitting at the research table with Sam and Dean standing around you.

Crowley appears and waves his hand, making your brothers go flying across the room.

After they both hit the wall and drop down to the floor, you jump up and run over to stand between them and Crowley. "Stop! please! They were just getting blood from me."

His eyes remain red. "Then why was Sam holding you down? And why were you crying?"

Feeling something wet running down your arm, you look down to see a trail of blood almost to your wrist. In your hurry, you had ripped the IV from your arm. "I was laughing so hard, my eyes started watering." You hear groaning and movement behind you, but you don't turn away from Crowley. "And Sam just had his hand on my shoulder while he was making fun of Dean's medical practices." Bending your arm, you held it close to your chest.

"Was I really that bad?"

You kept your eyes on Crowley. "No, Jelly-Bean. You were perfect. I ripped the IV out. That's on me, Not you."
"Told you I wasn't hurting her," Dean whispered to his

"Seriously, man. Now?"

Sam's comment made you giggle.

When Crowley's eyes turn back to normal, he looks over your shoulder to your brothers. "Maybe it's time you found somewhere else to get your virgin blood from."

Your eyes go wide.

"Wait. Have you been holding off because of us?" Dean asked. "Girl, go get your groove on."

"We told you we can get it somewhere else. Really, it's fine. Don't worry about us."

"Yes. Don't worry about them. And if it doesn't have to do with you, but your boyfriend's insecurities...then tell him to get over them."

"I see." Knowing your brothers can't see your face, you wink at him.

Crowley reaches into his jacket pocket and hands you a small envelope. "The supplies you need. Plus the information..."

You take it quickly with your good hand. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me...I have some things I need to take care of." He simply disappears.

"I think you broke his heart."

You turn to Sam. "What?"

"Yea. He totally has it bad for you, but you're with somebody else." Dean rubs the back of his head and goes to clean up the mess that was made from earlier.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks.

You straighten your arm and examine it. "Yea. It's stopped bleeding. I'm going to go get cleaned up though." You head for the bathroom as quickly as you can without breaking into a run.

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