Do You Trust Me? Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

You're sitting beside Dean on his bed when you hear Crowley's voice.


"I'm in Dean's room!" you call out to him.

"I'm going to have to play that again. That was bad." Dean just looked from the controller to the television screen.

"Well, maybe if-" You stop talking when Crowley appears in the doorway.

"I can come back if I'm interrupting."

"No no. I was just watching Dean fail his entire crew."

"Three people made it out." Dean just shook his head.

"Because you emotionally hurt everyone but those three. You Dean Winchestered almost the entire crew. You really didn't think that was going to cost ya?"

Sam comes up next to Crowley. "Three? Only three of your crew made it out? All my crew came out alive."

"Mine, too!" you shouted

"You two shut up."

"Man, even in a video game, you're having sex with everyone," Sam says before he walks away.

You cackle as you fall back on Dean's bed. "It's funny because it's true."

"Get out of my room."

You're still laughing as you sit up. "Fine, Jelly-Bean." Getting up, you walk over to Crowley. "But you might want to play it again. Otherwise, Mass Effect Three is going to be Hell from the start."

"Yea yea," Dean says with a pout on his face.

You take a hold of Crowley's hand. "Follow me. I got you something. It's in my bedroom."

"Keep the door open!" Dean yells at the both of you.

"Okay, one...we're both adults. Two...we're just friends.'re not the boss of us."

"Yea!" Sam yells from his bedroom.

"I thought I told you to shut up!"

You just laugh as you drag Crowley to your bedroom.
Closing the door, you walk over to your desk. You hand him a box wrapped in red paper that's tied with a black bow. "Happy human birthday, Crowley. Well, we don't even know the month, so I'm just assigning one."

He hesitates at first, but takes the gift. "I'll be honest,'s not something I care to celebrate."

"Okay, then it's a just cause present."

"If there's something you need, all you have to do is ask. This isn't necessary."

"Hey now. I may be an honorary Winchester, but I'm not like Sam and Dean." You point to your bed. "All I need from you is to sit down and open the damn thing."

The corners of his lips turn up and he sits down. "Fine. But don't think this whole ordering me around thing is going to become a habit."

You smile and sit down beside him. As you watch him unwrap the box, you start to wonder if he's ever received a gift before.

After the paper and bow are gone, he opens the box. Inside is an angel blade with his demon name and title engraved on the handle.

"I don't know what to say."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, of course."

"There. You said it."

Crowley brushes his fingers over the engraving before looking at you. "I...uhm...need to get...uhm...back to Hell. I'll see you later though."

Before you can answer, he disappears.

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