Do You Trust Me? Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

You have a small overnight bag packed and you start pacing back and forth in your bedroom.

"Yea, I remember being nervous my first time."

You look up to see Dean standing just inside your room.
"How was it?"


"Dude," Sam scolds his brother and walks past him. Standing in front of you, he continues. "Crowley cares about you. You're new at this. Yes, there's going to be some awkwardness, but don't dwell on it. He's waited this long for a reason. Even if you two break up some time down the road, he doesn't want you looking back on what's about to happen and regret it. This is not something to be rushed. He knows this. He understands this."

"And you're on the pill because of your cramps, so you really won't have anything to regret."

Sam keeps his back to his brother, but speaks to him while looking at you. "Seriously?"

You can't help but laugh. They both have their own ways of trying to make you feel better.

"Well, at least you're not trying to talk her out of it."

"That was my next plan, but you showed up on time," Dean complains.

"Here," Sam says as he grabs your bag off your bed and hands it to you."


Crowley looks at you and the corners of his lips turn up.

You're wearing a black scarf dress with red butterflies on it. It stops at your knees, and you paired it with simple black flats. Your hair and make-up are also done simply, but flawlessly.

"Beautiful as always," he says as he takes a hold of your free hand. Even though he speaks to your brothers next, he doesn't take his eyes off you. "Boys. If you disturb us, it had better be an emergency."

"Is that a warning?" Dean asks.

"No, it's a threat," Crowley answers before snapping his fingers.

You're now standing in what you assume is Crowley's bedroom in Hell. The smell is recognizable from being in the Throne Room with your brothers. The way the room is decorated is completely different from the Throne Room as well. Even the lighting is different. Dim and soft, but you can still see everything clearly.

The room doesn't have a lot in it, but everything in the room is elaborate. The bed is a king size four post canopy. The black curtains are drawn, but see through. You can see the pillows as well as the sheets and comforter are also black. A small couch and dresser as well as two nightstands are also in the room. All of course, are black. The only thing in the room that's not black is a vanity table with a mirror attached to it. It's in a dark, deep shade of (Y/F/C).

"There's also a bathroom for you." He points to a closed door in the corner of the room at the same time he takes your bag from you and sets it on the end of the couch.

"Thank you."

He smiles as he steps back over to you and wraps his arms around you. "You're very welcome, darling. Now, relax," Crowley says before pressing his lips to yours. The kiss starts off soft, but soon turns firmer. Almost urgent.

Just as you run your hands up to his shoulders, there's a knock at the door.

"Bloody hell," he complains as he pulls his mouth from yours. "Go away!" he shouts toward the door.

"But your majesty, it's important."

You try hard not to laugh. "Yea, you're majesty. It's important."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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