Do You Trust Me? Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

You walk out into the hallway and immediately hear whistling. Turning around, you see Dean with a beer in his hand.

"Sam, get out here! You have to see this!"

Sam runs into the hallway from the galley. "What? What is-Oh. I see. (Y/N), you look..."

"Right," Dean says without taking his eyes off you.

You're wearing a black, full length dress. It has long sleeves and a square, low cut neckline. You've paired the dress with black high heels and a matching clutch purse. The way you've done your hair and make-up is also fancier.

"We're going to have to get our virgin blood from somewhere else, huh?" Dean asks.

You just scrunch your face up in fake disgust. "I don't judge, but I really don't see myself having sex on the first date. I will definitely let you know when I think it's going to happen though. Give you a heads up and all."

"Uhm...thanks. I guess." Sam looks to his brother.

"So, when do we get to meet this guy?" Dean asks.

"Never. Cause y'all will go straight into big brother protective mode and not only ask him eleventymillion questions, but also threaten to rip him apart limb by limb if he ever hurts me. Now. Do me a favor." You turn around. "Tell me if I'm okay in the back. This dress isn't tucked into my panties, is it?"

"Sam...the dress..."

"Yea. I know. It's backless. And has a slit up to her thigh."

You giggle and start to wake away. "Don't wait up."

"Where exactly are you going dressed like that though? It's ten in the morning."

You ignore Dean's question and proceed to the garage. You absolutely are not going to let them know about the eight hour time difference between Kansas and Greece.


You pull your car over onto the side of the road where Crowley told you to meet him. Getting out, you close the driver's door and wait for him.


You turn around and see Crowley staring at you.

You smile and walk over to him. "That's the third, 'wow', I've gotten from you."

"That's because you never fail to amaze me, darling."
He's almost matching you with the way he's dressed. All in black, including his tie.

"Thank you for the dress."

"Well, I did used to be a tailor back when I was human. I figured I could guess your measurements well enough."

"No. Not well enough. It fits perfectly."

"Good. Are you ready? I'll make sure your car is somewhere safe until we get back."

"Yea. Whenever you are."

Crowley takes a hold of your hand and snaps his fingers with his free one.

The two of you are standing in front of a restaurant. Looking around, you see it's now dark outside.

"I think you'll enjoy it."

Before you can respond, the door opens from the inside.
Crowley places his hand on the small of your back and guides you inside. After you two walk down a dimly lit hallway, you both enter into the restaurant. It's also dimly lit, and completely empty except for a quartet that starts playing music.

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