Do You Trust Me? Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sam, Dean, and you are eating in the galley when you hear a crash in the living room.

"Moose, Squirrel! Get in here! Now!"

"Crowley?" you ask as you drop your fork and take off running with your brothers in tow.

When the three of you enter into the living room, you see Crowley struggling to stand.

"Crowley!" you shout as you start to run toward him.

"No! Stop!" Finally getting to his feet, he backs away and looks at your brothers. "You two need to take me down into the basement! Now! And (Y/N) stays here! Otherwise, it-" Clamping his hands to the sides of his head, he growls. "It's not going to end well! I don't know how much longer I can fight this spell!"

"Sam, come on," Dean orders before making his way over to Crowley.

"(Y/N), stay here. We'll come back up here and tell you what's going on when we can."

You just nod as you watch Dean roughly haul Crowley away and Sam follow after him.

It's not long before you start pacing back and forth while you're forced to wait to find out what's going on.


"Okay," Dean says as he enters the living room with Sam beside him.

You stop pacing and look at them.

"Rowena put a spell on him. She's basically forcing him to want to kill you. And he's to the point now that...he'll do whatever he can to accomplish that."

"What? Why? Rowena?"

Sam speaks next. "He said that's her ultimate revenge. She takes you out, she hurts us. And if she can use Crowley to accomplish all of that, the better."

"Because she loathes him the most out of all of us."

"Yea," Dean agrees.

A thought enters your mind. Or is it because she found out about us and Crowley was able to hold out long enough to lie about it?

"Good news is..." Dean starts again with a forced smile on his face. "We were able to get a hold of Cas while we were down there. He's going to go see if he can find a way to break the spell. While he's doing that, we're going on a witch hunt."

Sam sets keys and a roll of duct down on the coffee table. "While we're gone, don't go go down there. The things he started saying...we had to duct tape his mouth. None of us want you hearing it."

"Okay. Be careful."

"We're the Winchesters. We totally got this." Dean slaps you on the shoulder before walking off with Sam towards the garage. "We'll keep you updated."


You wait and listen for the sound of Baby to start up. When you can no longer hear her, you grab the blanket off the back of the couch and head for the basement.

You carry the blanket over to him and set it in his lap. "They told me everything but I don't care." Scraping at a corner of the duct tape, you take a hold of the tiny bit you're able to pull loose. "Please forgive me," you say before ripping the tape from his face and letting it fall to the floor.

"Those morons really tell you everything?"

"Yes. Cas is trying to see if he can find a way to break the spell before Sam and Dean find Rowena."

Crowley just chuckles. "And if your trusty trio fails?"

"They won't." You start unfolding the blanket and wrapping it around him as best you can with him being shackled. "Weeeeee won't. I know you're used to people failing you, but that's not going to happen this time."

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