Do You Trust Me? Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Your text message tone goes off and you look at your phone.

Tell me why I can only think of you when I'm supposed to be concentrating on this meeting I'm in.

Smiling, you reply back.

Sorry not sorry. Lol! When you're done there, you're more than welcome to come keep me company. Sam and Dean are under the weather, so I'm taking care of them. Boring, so if you decide that's a negative, no hard feelings.

Time with you is never boring. Give me twenty minutes.

I'll be here. You can even pick the movie.


After checking on Dean and Sam again, you see Crowley appear in the living room. Hurrying down the hallway, you make your way over to him and throw your arms around him and hug him tight.

He stiffens momentarily, but then hugs you back as best he can.

You smile as you pull away from him. "You'll start enjoying my hugs here soon enough."

"I'm sure. Just don't let anyone know when that day comes."

"I know, I know. Reputation." You take a hold of his hand and drag him over to the couch. "I know you don't eat, but I made chicken and dumplings for Dean and Sam. I made you a bowl as well if you want some."

He looks at the end tables on either side of the couch. Two bowls of soup and two glasses of water. "Uhm...thank you, darling. How are the imbeciles, by the way?"

"I think it's just a bad head cold. I gave them some Nighttime Thera-Flu. They're sleeping now. If they wake up and realize you're here, I'll just tell them I asked you to keep me company."

"You're a much better liar than I originally pegged you for."

"Do I take that offensively or as a compliment?"

Crowley just chuckles. "A compliment, love. Always a compliment." He pulls something out of his inner jacket pocket and hands it to you.

Looking at it, you smile. "It Happened One Night."

"If that's too old for your liking, I can snap another one into existence."

"What? No. I'm a huge Clark Gable fan. Make yourself comfortable. I'll put this in and get it started."

After you get the DVD player going, you turn and see Crowley sitting on the couch, holding the bowl of soup in his hands. The way he's starting at it makes you laugh.

"You don't have to eat it. I just didn't want you to feel left out since I was going to be eating."

He looks up at you and then back down at the food. "No, I know. I'm just still getting used to all of this."

You sit down carefully as to not make the soup go sloshing around. "You mean me."

He looks at you again. "Don't you dare give me that look, pet."

"What look?"

"Pity. I don't want it."

"Wow. Your mother screwed you up so badly that you can't even tell when someone cares about you. I know you can't comprehend it. I also know you don't believe that I'm telling you the truth. But that's okay. I'll comprehend it and I'll believe the truth until you do. There's more between us than just a physical attraction. Something you've never experienced before. And that scares the absolute shit out of you. The human blood only cracked the door for you. Eventually though, I'll come busting through like the damn Kool-Aid Man though. You'll find yourself trusting me with more than just your life." You turn away from him long enough to grab the remote so you can start the movie.

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