25| Suprise hangout

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This is a time of day that people feel differently about.

Some love it, seeing it as a fresh start, with the soft light of dawn and the quietness before the world wakes up.

They enjoy the calm moments, maybe sipping coffee or planning their day.

Others find mornings difficult. The alarm clock might feel harsh, and the rush to get ready can be stressful.

For them, mornings are something to get through rather than enjoy.

But just alarm clock might not be their only reason of hating mornings.

Atleast not for Yn.

She enjoyes when the sun peeks from behind the earth and start to rise from behind and let it's healthy and light rays reach their skin.

She felt ignite by it.

But, her reason to hate mornings like this.

Like the feeling of just dig a hole and never come out of it because of tiredness, and as there would be no one to reach out a muscle in that small and dirty hole just to distrub her from her peaceful sleep.

She doubt anyone would do that.

But, here again, she doubt her cute, caring, kind, and most beautiful sister can even make the small hole— in which she hid— to a large pond, and add water, which made Yn choke, and add some fishes and declare it there home.

But fortunately, she wasn't that much hounered to dig a hole and die. Whereas, she just slept under her cover, but they were harshly pulled off.

By her cute, caring, kind and most beautiful sister, Eva.

By the girl with sweet voice and harsh words, that you would feel the suprise from bottom of your heart.

Yn moved her face towards her sister, with half-opened eyes, and gazed at latter with a face which need some sympathy.

Eva frowed and utter in her usual honey lased voice, "Stop being a lazy cat! I'm already fed up by one!!"

Yn ignored her sister's words, and went back to sleep, but her body jolt up with sudden shake, like a earthquake attacked only her.

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