Caleb: The Job

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I hated walking home after a job, I felt gross, I hated the way my hair looked and I was packing 200 cash which in this neighborhood could mean death. Anyways I had to do it, I already missed the bus and dad would kick my ass if I was more than an hour late.

"Hey" a voice yelled as I made my way through the streets "I bet he's packing dough"

"What would make you say that" another voice called

"He's white" that's when I knew they were talking about me and I started to run

The voices yelled at me and each other as they chased me through the alley way. I ran for my life, they were right I was packing cash but I earned this. I needed to give my money to dad or he would beat me within an inch of my life. I couldn't have that happen, not again. Plus he would probably make me re-earn my nights work with him and that was worse than when he hit me. I thought I just about lost them when out nowhere; some guy tackled me from the side.

The side of my face slid across the gravel ripping away the skin on my cheek leaving behind a smear of blood. The guy that tackled me was twice my size and I could feel the weight of his body crushing mine, making it difficult to breath.

"Got him" he yelled, while I squirmed beneath his body trying to get free before the sound of the footsteps got to me. The guy forced my face upwards till I was looking him in the eyes "Why aren't you a pretty one" the words made my stomach turn and made me fight against him harder "And feisty I like that."

The other men finally got to where I was pinned on the ground. They searched through my pockets till they came to the wad of cash.

"What did I tell you" I was hoping they'd just let me free, just take my cash and run

"Please let me go I won't go to the cops" my voice rushed

"Of course you won't go to the cops you're a whore" the guy that was pinning me, ripped my shirt "And we want more than your cash.....Slut." I winced as he spit in my face but it was nothing I wasn't use to. When they started to pull my pants off I kicked, trying to nail one of them in the face. They just took all my money, now they were going to gang bang me. I didn't want this to happen I would've just given them the cash if they asked. But I realized after my shoes and pants where off there was no point in struggling and I went limp. "Good boy" the man leaned into my ear before biting my neck. They shoved cloth down my throat to keep me from screaming. Before they got 'started' they took turns beating the shit out of me, kicking and punching till I was sure I was going to die. They were just about to rape me, when sudden light filled the alley way "SCATTER" was yelled and all the guys bolted.

I reached down to pull my boxers back up before I spit the ripped piece of shirt out of my mouth along with some blood. The light was clearly from a car, I could hear people getting out of the car and I really didn't feel like being brought to the hospital.

"Hey" the man's voice was soft "Hey buddy what's your name"

"I'm not your buddy" I spat at the man

"Okay...that's fine...But can you tell me your name"

"I-if you promise you're not going to h-hurt me" I mumbled still not sure of this guy

"I promise"

"C-Caleb... Caleb Grey"

"Okay Caleb can I ask you what happened"

"I...well..." you could tell I was debating whether to tell the truth or not in my mind "I was walking home... from my, my, my job when I got jumped and the- the guys that j-jumped me were going to...r- ra...uh...gang...gang bang me" you could hear the words catch in my throat now and then.

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