' Malfoy.. '

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-Time skip; next day-

You four were walking to your next class, care of magical creatures, Harry was explaining how he had accidentally made his aunt fly away. You four laughed, when someone bumped into you.

"Sorry." You spoke before you saw who had bumped into you.
"L/n." Malfoy spoke.
"Leave her alone Malfoy!" Harry suddenly said.
"Whatever." Malfoy said rolling his eyes, then walking away.
"Gosh, he's annoying." Ron said, and the rest of you nodded.

You and your friends went to the care of magical creatures class, with Hargid, it would be his first time teaching.

"Alright, open yer books to page 49." Hargid said.
"How do we do that, exactly?" Malfoy asked.
"You just stroke the spine of course." Hargid replied back.
Malfoy looked hargid up and down and scoffed.

Neville had been attacked by his book, the rest of the students began to laugh.

"I think they're funny," Hermione spoke.

"Oh yea, terribly funny. Really witty." Malfoy said.
"Gosh, this place has gone to the dogs."
"Just wait until my father hears that
Dumbledore got this oaf teaching classes!" Malfoy said, then laughing with his friends.
"Shut up Malfoy." Harry said walking towards Draco. You stood beside Harry.

"Ooohh," Malfoy and his friends spat.
Draco dropped something into crabbes hands, and began to walk towards Harry, biting his lip.
Malfoy then looked up terrified.
"D-Dementor! Dementor!" Malfoy said scared.
Everyone looked behind.
"Ahahaha," Malfoy and his friends cackled. Then Malfoy and a couple of his friends pulled up there hoods and began to make ghost noises.
You and your friends just rolled their eyes.
Hargid coutined to talk, then showing buckbeak.
"So who wants to ride him?" Hargid asked. Everyone backed away except Harry.

-Time skip- after Harry rode buckbeak-

Hagrid lifted Harry off buckbeak.
"That was wicked Harry!" You said clapping.
"Oh, please!" Draco mumbled then pushed his way through the crowd.
"Your not so dangerous are you?" Draco laughed.
"You big ugly brute!" Malfoy smirked like he just did something.
"Malfoy no.." Hargid said, but it was to late. Buckbeak roared and attacked Draco, he fell to the ground,  he whimpered. "Its killed meh! It's killed meh!" He yelled.
"Hes so over dramatic!" You said crossing your arms.
Hargid sighed and picked Malfoy up.
"You and your bloody chicken!" He said in pain. You couldn't help but laugh.


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