Chapter 1 : One Yes.

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Merry Christmas!
Its a new start.
I hope you enjoy reading
The book.
About updates? They are random so its a waste of time to ask me.
Before you start , read the warning in the description chapter again.
Remember, i will not be your nice
Writer if you want to be shitty with me😃
Now Enjoy and i love you
Mah Expensive Bishes😘.


Men in black stand in the isolated, abandoned backyard of the mansion. The sky gloomy like the crying man in the middle begging for his life.

"I just want to~ get high on my lover~ - HEY HE MOVED!!!! ", The man who was singing suddenly yelled with a glare while clenching the paddle in his veiny hand.

The sudden yell causes the men around to tense up and stand more straight while the man near the crying one smacks him across the face and makes him tilt his head properly.

The sharp knife hung right on his face, one knock of the metal that was holding the knife in place and the man's face would be pissing bloo£.

“Keep that bich right there,” He smiles happily, taking a puff of his cigarette before letting it out from the corner of his mouth. He grabbed another ball covered in sharp nails.

“Bet on it Suga hyung, his chest or dickk?”, He smirk looking over at the naked man who was trembling for life while Suga remain unfazed.

" Dickk since he used it so proud of it and-mm,” Suga sighs and crosses his arms lazily watching the ball of nail violently landing on the man's private part.

"Yasss!!! Next ball! Quick! Quick!,” The curly black haired psychopath yelled, throwing away his cigarette with a huge smile.

"Jeongguk, grandfather is on the call", Another man came holding a phone.

Jeongguk's smile drops with his nose flaring. He hands the paddle to one of his men and grabs the phone.


"I want you here tonight, you will be having dinner with your future wife tonight.... Did I make myself clear? ", Jeongguk narrowed his eyes.

“Wife? You didn't ask me-”

"I don't need your permission. You obey me like a dog.... Did i make myself clear?,” His red eyes could literally turn into fire with the disrespectful name he was just called.

“Boil water clear,” Jeongguk replied back and the old man cut the call.

The phone was thrown back, making Namjoon catch it quickly. Jeongguk marched fastly towards the whimpering man while snatching a metal chain from another one of his men on his way.

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