chapter 5 : Why are they never satisfied?

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Holaa! I was thinking What to do with smûtsPart since thats theMain reason i get deletedFrom here

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I was thinking
What to do with smûts
Part since thats the
Main reason i get deleted
From here.
So i decided to not
Go explicít here,there wouldn't be lots of description of too explicít
Smutt /gorre.
You can read it completely
Explicît on ao3.


  Jeongguk was drinking with a cigarette between his finger and in other hand the purple bracelet. Mind running and running in every path possible and he see only one solution.... More likely only one person at every end. 

"Uncle Ggukie!!!! ", Jeongguk close his eyes annoyed then open it and turn his head at his room's door. 

He see the little 6 years old boy running to him with a huge smile and one missing teeth. 

" What are you doing here Jiyoon? ", Jeongguk grown when the boy jump on him knocking his breath out and he had to pull his glass and cigarettes away quickly making the alcohol spill down. 

" I told mommy i will take a bath only if we come see Ggukie uncle! ", He proudly grin. 

" Fantastic, you saw me... Now leave little creature ", Jeongguk doesn't actually hate kids but he surely dislikes them..... And no its not the same!! 

Those little dirty germ covered and diseases carrier creatures. Ewww Jeongguk's perfectionist butt could never want one of these..... 

But who knows..... 

" Yah Yoonie! I told you to not run up the stairs ", Jeongguk's eyes roll again watching the short omega- himself running in his room. 

" Jimin hyung ", Jeongguk narrowed his eyes at him and the omega swallows. 

" ahaha little guy wanted to see you and i got all your groceries and told your maid to put them in their respective places", Jimin chuckles nervously going to grab his son who scream and hug Jeongguk around his neck. 

The alpha glare at Jimin like ' take your damn son off me! ' and Jimin started to pull the little boy away who was stubborn like his father. 

"Jiyoon sweetheart get off me before i leave you without a heart", And Jimin gasp same as his son who let his mommy take him away. 

" Thats rude! ".

" Thats not something to say to a little boy Jeongguk ", Jimin frown.... But it wasn't new because Jeongguk doesn't have a filter. 

" Oh i care so much it pain me ", Jeongguk say in a sad tone yet his expression remain blank as he take a gulp of his drink. 

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