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Y/N: Nooo, she says, whining I want to play.

*He sighs, not knowing how to deal with your refusal to listen to him. You were too stubborn, but your refusal to listen to him made you even cuter as you pouted. He was really soft for you. He couldn't help but smile as he looked down at you, still hugging you close to his chest.*

Konig walks up to them

*Ghost glances over at Konig with a raised eyebrow as he walks up to them since he hadn't noticed him coming. He continues to hug you and speaks to Konig to inform him what was going on.* "She tripped and cut her pinky. I'm taking her back to the base."

Y/N: Noooooooo!! She whines

*He turns back to you and smiles slightly as you whine and pout about having to go back to the base.* "You have to stop being so stubborn, I'm taking you back to the base whether you like it or not."

Nooooooooooooooooo, she screams, not wanting to go

*He chuckles at you as you start yelling. It was adorable how much of a fit she was throwing to not go back to the base. He just hugs you again and scoops you up into his arms.*

*Ghost carried her back to the base with all of the task force watching with amusement. They couldn't help but laugh as they watched her whining and pouting like a child, because well, she was a child. She was just too damn adorable. Eventually, she fell asleep, and he carried her back to her room and laid her down in bed.*

*He sits by the bed and watches as she sleeps. He couldn't help but smile again as he watched her breath slowly and took in how cute she looked while she sleeps.*

The next day:♡

*It's the next day, and Ghost returns to her room, where she is still sleeping in the bed. He smiles again as he takes in how adorable she looks. He watches as she slowly wakes up, looking so peaceful as she starts rubbing her eyes.*

She looks at him with a glare as she lays back down, pulling the cover over her head

*He chuckles at her little pout as she stares at him, though he can't help but wonder what changed overnight. She was so cute and adorable yesterday. Why did she suddenly turn into this grumpy little girl today? He stares at her for a bit before speaking.* "Good morning..."

Y/N: No!

*He pauses for a moment, and then laughs slightly, thinking that she's playing a joke.* "What do you mean 'no'?"

Y/N: Go away

*His eyes narrow slightly as a light expression of irritation crosses over his face, he was starting to feel quite annoyed because of how stubborn she was being.* "No, I'm not going to 'go away'. I'm here to make sure you're alright now since you were hurt yesterday."

Y/N: I'm not hurt, so go away

*He sighs and rolls his eyes. She was even stuborner today than she was yesterday. She was literally acting like a little bratty child. The frustration begins to build up on his face again,* "I know you're not hurt now dear, I was talking about yesterday."

Y/N: Иди к черту she says in Russian

*He looks at her in complete disbelief. He couldn't believe she had just told him to go to hell but in Russian, which didn't make the situation any better. She was a child, and a child should not be saying such things. He sighs, his eyes narrowing again as he speaks with a stern voice.* "Watch your mouth."

Y/N: No, you watch your mouth she says back to him

*He can feel himself starting to get a little angry. Her little bratty attitude and constant use of her Russian accent wasn't making the situation any better. He raises his voice just a little bit, speaking in a more stern voice.* "Do not speak to me that way."

Y/N: No, I can do whatever i want

*His face tightens, and the anger starts to rise within him. He tried to control it, but this little girl was really testing his patience, and her stubborn attitude wasn't doing him any favours. He grits his teeth and speaks in a stern voice.* "No, you can not do whatever you want. That's not how the world works."

Y/N: I can she yells at him

*The anger starts to rise even more, and he ends up raising his voice back at you. He can feel his temper rising even more, and he has to hold back his instinct to scream at you. His hands clench his fists, he seems increasingly more annoyed and angry as the conversation continues, his face darkening even more from the anger rising up in him.* "No, you cannot do whatever you want. I am trying to be nice and care for you, but you keep acting extremely stubborn and immature."

Y/N: No no no no go away

"No, I am not going away. You are being a brat, and I am trying to be nice, so you need to calm down and stop acting like a child." *He says in a stern voice, but at the same time, he is trying to keep his temper down and not go too far with you. He is starting to get very frustrated, however.*

Y/N: Nooo, she yells

*He can feel his anger rising again, and this time he's too angry to contain his temper. His dark eyes narrow, and he speaks loud and strongly, his voice full of frustration.* "You will calm down immediately and stop acting like a child. You do not get away with speaking to me in a disrespectful manner. I am in charge, and you listen to me."

She flinshes at his loud tone, and she stares at him, her siren eyes watering

*He notices the sudden change in her expression when he raised his voice. His eyes open wide for a moment as his anger flares up even more. The anger in him started to grow hotter as he noticed her eyes watering. He feels a little guilty as he noticed what he had done to her, as he couldn't help but feel like he had been too harsh on her.*

She looks down as tears start to run down her face. I'm sorry

*The sudden change in her behaviour and the tears in her eyes break down his stoic, cold facade that he was trying to keep on during the whole conversation. The sudden flood of tears coming from these bright, siren-like eyes made the situation even more heartbreaking. He stares at her for a few moments before leaning forward and pulling her into a hug, trying to calm her down and apologize for raising his voice at her.*

Y/N: I'm sorry she says crying

*He hugs her tightly and wraps his arms around her, rubbing her back and trying to soothe her crying.* "It's okay, dear. It's all my fault. I let my temper get the best of me when I raised my voice at you. I didn't mean to scare you, I just want you to understand that this kind of behaviour isn't acceptable."


A/N: sooo hi again. I just could not add some drama into the first few chapters, but it'll get better, I promise, and it won't be a wattpad story without some drama

Word count: 1262

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