Chapter 8 - Mission A & A ❤️ Part 2

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Arvan pov

I was with Ethan right now discussing about the news we receive from the uncle (General Cador) a few hours ago. The signal of returning of the dark lord. We haven't told the guys yet. Ethan said he will call for an meeting with the guys later. This is really going to start now. We need to prepare for the future and also we need to train princess to control her powers because she is the only one who can stop dark lord. We are gonna be very busy, this is gonna be very taught. Ethan left a few minutes ago saying he need to meet the uncle before the meeting. I'm at my room right now laying in the bed after taking a shower. But a certain problem running through my mind making me go crazy.

I really need to focus on this problem with the dark lord and the princess but I can't do that because, here is this girl avoiding me after what happen the day in the match. Because of her I can't stay focused right now. I need to do something. Seriously, I think I'm going crazy now. What do I do to this stubborn angry birdy Aurora. (Chuckling to himself) the name suit her well. Seriously what is wrong with her. What did I do wrong? Well I admit that I felt jealous that day and that's why I hugged her but I didn't do that intentionally. My body react on it own before I even think. But I like it. I like that feeling. Even thought she did not hug me back I felt her body relax after a minute. I want to hug her again, to be with her, to hold her in my arms, to bury my face in her neck. I really like her scent, lilly of the vally, her favorite flower. How do I know? Well I AM ARVAN, of course I know everything about her. After all she is the girl that I'm in love with. Yes, love. I love her, I love Aurora.

But first I need to apologize for hugging her without her permission. After all she is a girl. I need to respect her, no, I am respect her. I begin to love her the moment I first saw her. Playing with bunch of kids. And when I tried to flirt with her, she is the VERY FIRST girl to ignore me.


I'm currently walking to get some fresh air after the meeting with others end. I feel so relax. This is why I love to take a walk around the park or river side. I felt light and my heart feel so happy as the soft breeze hit my body. Smell of flowers and the smell of freshly cooked foods mixed in the air as I can feel it when I breathe. As the sun goes down, I can see the beautiful scene from where I am standing right now at my secret usual spot between park and the river. I found this place accidentally when I was a teenager. I never told anyone about this place, not even my friends who is like brothers to me. I feel so calm, I can't express that with words. All kind of flowers blooming everywhere, so beautiful. Some are still blooming and some are bud. Butterflies are everywhere. The view is amazing.

Author pov

As Arvan enjoying his free time, he heard laughing sounds of childrens along with another sweet voice nearby. Normally he didn't mind what happen around him and mind his own business but of course if someone need help he will help so don't think he is rude. But this time it's like someone manipulate him. His body began to walk toward where their voices heard even before his mind think, only to freeze in his spot after seeing her. His breathe hitched and mind stop for a moment. He can hear his own heartbeat through his ears. He can't, no, he couldn't look away from her. Never in his life he felt that feeling before. He couldn't understand or explain what is it ether. His heart felt so soft and light, like a feather. His whole body felt like it's burning but also he felt like he is drowning in water. Nether too hot or nether too cold, a perfect combination. It felt like this moment is mean to be happen, like it's destined to be happen.

He watch her playing with kids not minding anything, like she was also a kid. Without realising it, he stared to smile. He saw a little girl tapped her and told her to bend down as the little girl placed a beautiful cute flower crown on her head and gave her a kiss on the cheek making her smile widen. Flower petals fell on her making her beauty stand out more. The way her short hair and her simple but elegant dress swayed in the wind, the way her smile widen every time when a kid do or say something, the way her laughs, the way her expressions quickly change when her speak making jokes, and the way her play with the kids, that make Arvan want to know about her more. He never saw her before but he felt wanting to protect her, wanting to hold her in his arms not letting go, wanting to make her smile every day like this. He wanted to talk to her, laugh with her like that, he wanted to her to know him, talk to him, laughs with him like she did with the kids. He didn't understand why he felt that way. He had never felt this way because of any girl. This girl felt special for a reason. But he didn't wanted to interrupt so he stayed far admiring her. He followed them until they leave the park and make sure she is safe and went to his home still thinking about the mistery girl who make his heartbeat fast.

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