Chapter 9 - Mission A & A ❤️ Part 3

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Author pov

After receiving Ray's message Arvan quickly went to their secret hangout spot, near the waterfall in the wood panicking. All in his mind right now is 'how did they know?'. After parking his car, Arvan dashed in to their living room where everyone is waiting for him like a wild wolf and begin to shout without realising Heilie is there all the time watching him, and other five is embarrassed because of their friend behavior.

Ray's pov

This man... (face) Always embarrasses himself, not only him but us too. God, this is so embarrassed. (Clear throat)

"Arvan, you might wanted to look around first before speaking"

"Why do I need to look around, it's only you gu-"

Author pov

As he tuned to his right, where all of them point, he freeze in his spot after seeing someone he never expect to be here with them. At least not now. And Heilie awkwardly waved him with a small smile not knowing what to say, while other five trying so hard to control their laughs at their friend who is frozen in his spot and look like he just saw an alien or some mythical creature.

Arvan's pov

What the hell is she doing here? I mean why? How? Wait.... what did I missed? Did Ethan know about this too?

"First, No, he don't know. Second, she came here with us. Third, she has a plan for your little problem with aurora that's why all of us are here right now and four, she know everything about us." Ray said crossing his arms with his stupid smirk looking toward me.


"I am a mind reader, If you forgot"

"Damn.. you and your mind reading. I said stop doing that, didn't I?"

He shrug still smirking at me not minding my glare. And others burst into laughs making me annoying more. Those stupids. At least they can warn me before I came here right. If then, I'm not gonna embarrassed myself in front of the princess.

"Enjoying, you all?"

"Sorry bro, but it's you who burst in and start scream like a mad man not letting any of us speak" Ash said with a cheeky smile showing his dimples as I roll my eyes.

"Ok Arvan, sit down first so Heilie can explain her plan for you" Ellyn with his usual smile said pointing the seat next to him as I sigh and sat down apologising to Heilie about my behavior.

Heilie pov

After Arvan sat down on the couch. Me and the boys explain him about our plan and Arvan agreed immediately. After that they begin to tease him about Aurora making him flattered and blushing mess.

Time skip

We stopped our little discussion for a while, it's almost lunch time so the boys suggest to eat lunch first so Ray, Ellyn and me cooked us lunch cause if others came in, they will burn down the whole kitchen.

After eating we all are chilling in the living room as, Arvan ask about how I know about them being my guardian knights.

"My guardian spirit, Orion told me"

He made his mouth like 'O' and nodded his head understanding.

"But I don't know every details so can I ask some questions? "

All of them nodded their head giving me their full attention.

"So... what is your powers? I know your have powers but don't exactly know what is it" I asked as they begin to answer one by one

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