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"What's up, Malfoy?" Katarina's voice wakes me from my trance

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"What's up, Malfoy?" Katarina's voice wakes me from my trance.

Today marks the day of my disappearance; no one knows what happened to me after the war.

My mother passed away trying to hide me from Voldemort's followers, who strongly believe that his son will rule them as he did. I want nothing to do with them. So, when she passed away, I promised myself to never look back at the old life and move on with a new persona.

This involved a lot of disguise, workouts, living among Muggles, and a couple of drunken tattoo mistakes.

"What's up, Black?" I return her question.

Walking through the alley with my new friend group is not something I ever imagined happening. After finding myself starving and on the edge of my deathbed, Nicklaus found me and hurriedly took me to the headmaster's office.

This school is different from Hogwarts; it's strategically hidden, sealed from every corner, ensuring no harm can be done to it.

When I arrived at the headmaster's office, I was promptly taken care of. They provided medical care, created a student file, and crafted a whole persona for me to start studying as a regular kid.

The story they told the students during my first year is that I'm an exchange student from France. Luckily, I know some French, and they explained that I had just awakened from a coma caused by a magical accident, which is why I'm repeating my final year.

Everyone bought the story and never asked questions until I met all the familiar faces, each with their own fake background stories.

Katrina and Ron are exceptions; they both come from pure-bloodlines and were forced to come help during the war. Ron is a survivor, and without Katarina, he would have been in dire straits.

What makes this place intriguing is the use of dark arts; they encourage it, stating that the only way to win against evil is by taking advantage of evil itself.

I think it's a genius plan, and I admire how they are all fearless.

Another interesting aspect of this school is the houses they were sorted into; they are like family, helping each other and using their strengths to compensate for each other's weaknesses, leading to no rivalry except for grades.

Hermione and I still compete on our grades, of course, and we compete with Ron, Katrina, and Mattheo, even though he is a genius who doesn't study.

"Are we finding new books?" I ask the group as we approach a Muggle library.

Unlike others, this library is hidden at the end of the alley, with strange books on mythical creatures, gods, random dark romance books, and a genre that I can't seem to understand—dreams; that's all it talks about.

"Like every time, Malfoy," Ron speaks as we approach the library.

The door is small and dark green; the smell of books welcomes us as soon as we walk in. The bell above us chimes, and we all scatter around, looking for anything that intrigues us.

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