14 5 10

Trigger warnings; mention of
blood. Panic attack. Grief/loss of loved one.

Ron's pov:

Today marks the anniversary of a profound loss, a day when, as my cherished friend Kat often points out, I vanish from the world.

This is the day when I feel pain, a burden no lover should witness nor bear.

A pain beyond words, as if my heart were being ripped open by Damon Salvatore himself. (A/N: too soon?)

It's a day engulfed in mourning, heartache, and disappointment.

I typically retreat into the shadows, shunning all contact, all company.

Roaming the corridors only reminds me of her, her mesmerizing, kaleidoscope eyes, mirroring her presence.

My one and only. 

My perfect match.

My entire universe.

My first true, epic love.


Taken away. By force, by my, I sighed mentally stopping myself from thinking about her.

I'm sentenced to rot in the darkness.

As anger consumes me, and rage fills every crevice of my being.




Looking around my room, I first ensure that all three locks are locked, securing my sanctuary.

Isolated, I always flee to my father's manor, a refuge no one would think to search for me in.

Retracing my steps to my bed, I reach beneath it to retrieve the hidden box.

Strong black metallic box that has everything I need.

Flipping open the lid and tossing it aside, I strip off my shirt and grab a dress shirt from the box, a black woolen garment that masks all my flaws.

Or what I thought were my flaws.

It's a way for me to conceal myself yet feel empowered.

If only just enough.

I then wear my signature mask.

Black and silver, bearing a monstrous visage, and two sharp horns on the top of my temple.

Crafted by the finest wizards and worn by my ancestors.

I embrace my identity, or at least embracing it once a year making my monster of a father proud and mostly making mother proud.

Am I proud of this secret? No.

But if yellow was their worst nightmare, only for me to live in agony of their disappointment and disapproval.

Then bear witness to red, as I destroy my self.

I am everything, but never proud of who I am expected to be, however it's the only means for me to erase my agony by night's end.

I close my eyes and whisper to no one in particular.

"Kat, Dray, I pray you never witness this side of me."



As I return from my venture, the fury that once consumed me goes away, leaving a lighter, although numb, sensation in its wake.

My once pristine black shirt is now a tattered relic, ruined with stains.

My mask remains my only armor, leaving my back vulnerable to assault.

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