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"What's that?" she asks again, and I estimate it to be the 7th or 8th question she has posed about the scenery since our arrival at the school.

As we walk through the dark corridors, rainbow light streams through the roof mosaic stained glass, illuminating the passage with vibrant hues that symbolize the rich legacy of the school.

The intricate patterns tell stories of magic, wisdom, and the journey each student embarks upon.

"I promise you'll learn about everything once you settle in, but for now, we need to keep walking," I command her, growing somewhat bored of her repetitive inquiries.

The echoing footsteps resonate through the grand corridor, and the distant whispers of ancient enchantments add an otherworldly atmosphere to our journey.

"Once we inform the headmasters about you, you can explore the place," I declare, now pulling her through the narrow corridors of the dark, black-stoned school building.

The air is heavy with the scent of aged magic, and the occasional creaks of the old stone beneath our feet add an eerie charm to the surroundings.

"Does that sound good?" I ask, not really seeking an answer as I briskly guide her through the corridors.

The walls seem to hold the secrets of generations, and the ancient tapestries depict magical creatures frozen in timeless poses.

Finally, we arrive at our headmaster's office.

Headmaster Matt's clothing is a distinguished dark grey, accentuated by a meticulously tied blue tie, proudly representing his affiliation with Ravenclaw.

The room is adorned with shelves filled with ancient tomes, and the flickering candles that cast a warm glow, creating an ambiance of scholarly wisdom.

"Headmaster Matt, I apologize for coming unannounced. This is Ren—" "Serenity, uh, sir?" she interrupts me, visibly nervous, her hands still intertwined with mine.

"She is our friend from the town we visit every week; she needs our help," I further explain the reason for clandestinely bringing her here.

"Serenity, of course," Headmaster Matt says, still engrossed in his paperwork. He gestures to a comfortable chair, inviting her to sit.

"Now, Draco, why did you think it was a good idea to bring a friend, a muggle at that," he points at her with a pen in hand, "to this school, of all places?" He stands up, leaving his pen on the paper.

"She discovered magic," I rush to say, and the headmaster looks at me with intrigue.

"Magic?" he raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Dark magic, I think; it's similar to the one I'm currently researching," I explain.

"Draco, you're a smart kid; do not mess around with something that you can't undo," he warns me, now turning his attention to Serenity.

"As for you, welcome to Eldorium Sanctum, a place for chosen students and those who seek salvation. If you choose to stay, we'll organize a small ceremony where the Sorting Hat will determine your house, but don't worry; it's just to allocate your classes, which you can still choose from," he assures her before returning to his seat.

"Draco, I'll permit you to have her in yours and Mattheo's dorm for the meantime until she decides what's best for her. Also, take this box; it will help with her memory loss," he instructs us, finally ushering us out.

"How did he do that?" Serenity asks.

"You'll get used to it," I say, smiling at her amusement.

I never thought a person could convey so many emotions on their face like she does. "Let's go back to my dorm for you to unpack; then you can explore the space with Mattheo," I tell her, leading the way back upstairs.

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