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"Haven't I specifically asked you to come with me yesterday? Where were you?" Draco asks Kat with a stern voice, tinged with worry and anger.

Draco possesses nearly all the attributes of a Slytherin: he is intelligent, ambitious, sly, achievement-oriented, and a leader in some respects. However, like an adder, he is not usually aggressive and tends to be rather timid, only fighting back when cornered or alarmed.

"You don't order me around, Malfoy. Besides, I found things that might intrigue you concerning the matters we were discussing not long ago."

Katarina made sure Draco couldn't see her trembling physique, a result of the trauma she endured last night—a secret between herself and no one else—well, and the masked person she needs to repay, somehow.

"Whatever. Get your act together and inform me beforehand, as I won't wait for you or worry about you ever again."

"Aww, Malfoy, did you develop a soft spot for me? Did you hear that, Ron?" Katarina asks sarcastically, retreating into the shadows of her racing thoughts, inadvertently ruining her chances of ever being rescued again.

"It's the Ron effect, I'll tell you that much," Ron grins, enjoying the time of his life teasing Draco, who wore a bored expression.

"Fucking hell," Draco whispers, moving away to sit next to the girl he finds curious.

"Hey," she says softly. "I heard Ron mention this name. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's Hogwarts?"

Draco's face pales. He never thought that hearing the name of his old school would bring such agony, tension, anger, and memories filled with misery that left him wounded forever.

"It was once a sanctuary for the gifted; the best of the best wizards graduated from that school. I was a student there," Draco says softly, trying not to remember too much.

"How come?" she asks.

"You ask a lot of questions, Ren," he says to her, giving a friend a nickname for the first time in ages, hoping it might lighten his response.

On the other hand, the girl, Serenity, is taken aback. This name rings too many bells in her head; she must have heard it somewhere before, yet it feels comforting.

"I wouldn't normally ask this, but would you want to come with me to the library today instead of sulking with Ron?" Draco doesn't know why he thought to ask her this.

It's not something he wants, but he knows deep down that this girl has a lot of knowledge she suppresses, and perhaps, for whatever reason, he thinks she will share everything. But for now, he has to try and invite her.

"I don't know. I'm still too out of place and just trying to get everything in. Actually, I was going to ask if I could be alone for just a day to wrap my head around everything that has been revealed to me. It's been a short time since I was introduced to this world, one I'm not used to. I think I need a break," she trails off a bit, looking away.

Draco nods in understanding before he abruptly stands. "Well, if you ever feel bored or curious about anything here, find me in the library," he states as he walks away but halts for a moment, then looks back at her and adds, "Ren, be careful and don't trust everyone, not even me." He says in a stern, deep voice, making sure he gets his point across.

To that, she nods once and nervously fidgets with her hands, and he leaves.

Walking away from where he sat, moving between the tall shelves that contain all types of books, mostly on dark magic, Draco couldn't wait until the next task was given.

He grew bored of waiting and rereading the same old books, dreaming of everything a Muggle hopes for, but shifting? That interested him most.

It all started a year ago, this obsession.

Draco woke up in one of his dreams, a place far from what he had imagined, the only memory of yesterday being him counting to 100 as he heard the screams from his mother's night terrors.

Something had awakened in him, or so he thought. But it was something else, and this book, Draco believes, would solve his intrigue. Believing that there are millions of other realms might be difficult to grasp, but we are wizards after all, so what could not be possible?

A ghostly touch was felt on Draco's right shoulder, soft and barely there, but enough to wake him from his nap.

He doesn't remember when or how he fell asleep, but the books opened under his head told him that he had fallen asleep during reading. Furrowing his eyebrows, he looked to his right where he felt the hand on him, seeing no one.

Confused, he mumbled, "Must be tired," rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Sitting up straight, he picks up the open book, closing it and shoving it into his brown shoulder book bag, one he took from his mother before leaving. Nothing makes sense. The dreams. The real ghostly touch. Eyes.

"I swear I've seen them before," Draco whispers as he reaches his dormitory, putting his things away, and frustratingly changes into something comfortable to sleep in.

"I'll see you in my dreams," he promises, determined that whatever glimpses he had been seeing, he has to see clearly.

Two nights. And nothing. No dreams, no visions or whatever thing it was he kept seeing. No eyes. No ghostly touches. Echo. A voice deep in his mind calling.


"Find me."

"It's all your fault."

"ALL YOUR FAULT," it screeches, waking Draco up from the darkness.

What is it that is his fault? He asks himself as he wakes and walks towards the mirror, looking at his tired self, barely recognizing his face.

What is happening to him? Those dreams are getting worse.

"Wake up."

Draco's eyes shot up abruptly, looking at his surroundings. He was still in the library, although it felt real, him waking up, walking back to his dormitory, sleeping again. Nothing makes sense.

"Are you okay?" she asks, her voice clear now. Serenity?

"Yeah, just a bad dream," Draco dismisses her curiosity.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but you were not asleep," Serenity points out, looking at his notebook, now filled with writing and drawings he had never seen before.


Is written on every page, filling the pages to the brim.

Draco's eyes widen, afraid of what will come.

"Ren, tell no one, you hear me?" He said, his tone stern, eyes serious as he looks at her face. She nods nervously. "You can trust me."

Draco shakes his head no.

"Trust no one, Ren. I told you," he says in frustration, closing the book with a huff of breath he didn't know he held.

"Come on, I need your help with something. We're leaving school today."

1155 words

Hello everyone,
Sorry for being MIA but I'm back to updating the story, I am planning to make a schedule for uploading the next chapters! But I'll let you all know soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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