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"Hey, Slethrin?" Ron's voice carried a hint of sadness.

"Why the long face, Ron? We're still good friends," Serenity replied softly, her concern evident as she didn't want to upset him.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, pulling him aside. "Come on, Ron, get it together. Being a Slytherin is pretty great. You might even get adopted by some if you're lucky," I said sarcastically, feeling like letting loose a bit. After a hectic week, I figured today should be more laid back. We all deserved a break from the stress.

Leaving them to their bonding, I walked over to Katrina. Her big heart necklace adorned her neck, and her hair was now dyed platinum blond, something I had to get used to. She constantly switched between light and dark, her personality following suit.

With light hair, she was the fun Katrina; with dark hair, she was mean and unpredictable.

"Malfoy," she greeted me, a smile brightening her face.

"Kat, we need to work on those books we got from the library. I'll be at the main tower. Meet me there when you're done hanging out with them," I reminded her.

"Sure thing," she replied, heading off toward the others.


My day was consumed by reading and researching different types of dreams and how the brain functions, especially regarding shifting and lucid dreams and their connection to magic still not fully understood.

Despite the plethora of books in the library, I couldn't help but think that muggles had better resources on the matter.

Their desire to escape their reality made me feel fortunate, even though I've faced challenges no muggle could comprehend.

"Frustratingly useless," I muttered, slamming one book shut and moving on to the next.

As the sun began to set, Katrina was nowhere to be found. I kept glancing outside, finding it difficult to concentrate. What was keeping her? I had plenty of notes to discuss with her, especially concerning spells and observations regarding the muggle world.

Continuing to jot down my thoughts throughout the night, I tried not to worry too much about Katrina. We all had our responsibilities, and she probably got caught up with her work.

As I sifted through scrolls of dark magic, my attention was caught by a particular one labeled "Methods of Traveling," sparking my curiosity.


Ron's POV:

Four excruciating hours have passed since Katarina and Draco entrusted me with her company.

Katarina had pleaded with me to befriend her, but something deep within me screams that there's an unsettling aura about her.

It's not just a fleeting thought; my gut is practically yelling at me to distance myself, yet here I am, caught between loyalty and instinct.

Today, our conversation veered into the realm of literature, my latest obsession being a political elf romance that's nothing short of captivating.

Naturally, I found myself diving deep into the lore of the narrative, dissecting the intricate relationships and sharing the kind of juicy gossip that seems to keep them all entertained.

Serenity, much to my surprise, hung onto every word, her enthusiasm tangible as she discussed one of my muggle library finds that I'd recommended.

As we meandered through the corridors, side by side, our eclectic outfit choices drew a mixture of stares and hushed whispers from our peers.

Not that we minded; it was the weekend, after all, a time for minor rebellions and carefree attitudes.

Upon reaching the dorms, I escorted Serenity to her new quarters, shared with Draco and Mattheo.

"Welcome back serenity" he bid her a smile, followed by a nod towards me that I reciprocate.

Luckily, Mattheo was there to greet her, sparing me an extended goodbye as I took my leave, my thoughts already in search for Katarina's whereabouts.

625 words. 
Filler chapter, updating again in a few weeks time, hang on for now!

Hope you enjoyed this one :)

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