Wish 1- "the deal"

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Nya PoV: I was hiding with Kai, I knew damn well jay and Lloyd were right, I can't protect myself I just hate feeling weak. After the alarms stopped we all met up in the meeting room, until I realised Jay was gone, if something bad had happened I'll never forgive myself.

-a day later-
I woke up looking beside me remembering jay wasn't here. Years formed in my eyes, I sat up and heard a knock, I wiped my tears and replied to the knock with "come in.". Zane stood in the room with a message "we have an idea where jay is but we need you to tell us more about when Nadakhan was in Ninjago before.." zane said, I knew no one else wanted to come in and tell me the plan, Zane was always the messenger in these situations. "I'll be down in a few" I smiled at Zane, he smiled back and left.

Jay PoV:
I woke up in a cell THE SAME GODDAMN CELL I WAS IN BEFORE. Suddenly I heard a sound and looked up. I saw Nadakhan ugly face gazing at me, "the fuck you want asshole" I said in anger, I don't usually swear but who could blame me it's Nadakhan.
"I'm listening" he stupidly said.
"Excuse me?" I replied
"You wished that people would listen to you, that you could be heard in other words, so I'm listening." So he did hear my fucking wish, my thoughts were interrupted by a teleporting, suddenly I was in Nadakhans room. "-But with a wish like you made there's obviously a catch!" He said, "for those who want to be listened to they have to listen themselves so I have a deal for you." He glared at me,
I sighed "ok what do you want," I said.

"The deal is simple, remember last time how I forced Nya to marry me? Well I figured because you're so easy to catch I might as well marry you instead!" He laughed,
"You haven't even heard what you'll get, so I'll tell you then you can make your decision, if you choose to marry me I'll leave your friends alone, I won't harm them in any way and they will be untouched, especially Nya."
"However, if you deny I'll harm, torture and cause pain to you and your friends..""you have 3 days to decide" he said before teleporting me back into my cell.
Great I thought, I have to make an awful deal, my friends don't know where I am and I only have 2 wishes, I'm not planning on using those wishes but I might have to...

Nya PoV:
"Jay defeated Nadakhan by wishing that clouse had never found the lamp and that I had taken his hand, which made us go back in time fixing the events with Nadakhan, I'm really worried about Jay he was captured last time aswell.." I started fidgeting with my hands.
"Do you know what happened during jay was captured?" Cole asked with concern for his best friend.
"He never wanted to talk about it but, when we rescued him his eye was badly hurt, he had cuts and bruises all over his body.."
Lloyd jumped in and said "we should split up and look for Jay, me and Kai will go north, Zane and Cole can go south and Nya you can go with Wu and search central Ninjago.
"Sounds good to me!" Nya said with a forced smile.
"I'll go inform Wu now haha" Lloyd said in a leading way.

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