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Jay PoV:

My heart was racing, I was staring at a machine that could take my elemental and use it against me in simple words.

When he turned it on I felt my fingers tingles, my energy dropped by a lot, and suddenly...

I was screaming in agony the amount of volts going through my body was almost enough to kill someone, my hands and arms started to shake violently as my screams left my mouth.

Nadakhan was trying to convince me to marry him and said "accept the deal and I'll turn it off~"

His voice made me sick, my skin started to itch from the amount of tears pouring down it.

I wasn't going to give in that easy..

Zane PoV:

"The machines purpose was to keep and electrical current flowing, however what was missing was a source/battery and a conductor of electricity.."

Everyone froze.

"I assume he's planning on taking jays elemental power and using it against him as a form of torture." I continued
Even I was scared for him, I turned my emotion meter off so I could be more focused but I was still distracted. The others didn't like the fact I turn my emotion meter off whenever something bad happens but if I didn't I'd probably end up overheating. I watched the others sit in their own thoughts, there was nothing we could do, by the time we get to him he'd be dead.

Nya PoV:
"FUCK, why did it have to be him" I started to tear up, and pray for a miracle.

Lloyd PoV:
"Safe to say I failed as a leader." I thought to myself, "wu lets me lead for 1 month and I've already screwed it up" I'm so stupid.

Jay PoV:

Fuck sake I don't know if I can last much longer..
Nadakhan turned it up even more. With our thinking I yelled.
"F-FINE ILL FUCKING DO-O ITT" I screamed in agony and when the machine turned off I collapsed, breathing heavily.


Nya PoV:

The next day was.. depressing to say the least,
Until we got a letter.

"Dear fellow ninja,
Your friend is fine don't worry however he did accept my lovely deal, figured I should let you know, so you don't cry over him,

In fact..
I'm feeling nice meet me here "###########" in two days at 3 and you can see your friend again. 

Signed Nadakhan"

Lloyd read out.

We were all relieved but scared and confused, we had no choice but to prepare to see jay again.

Jay PoV:
Of course Nadakhan wasted no time preparing the wedding, next thing I know is I wake up and I have Nadakhan telling me it's TOMORROW!
Fuck I won't recover for tomorrow, just can barely walk now there's no way I'll be able to get through tomorrow.
However that's what he wanted, for me to be to weak to fight back or to have a chance of escaping, me being vulnerable is exactly what he wants,

Ever since I excepted the deal I've been moved into a nicer guest room, it wasn't awful it was just an average room, I mean I'm not complaining it's definitely an upgrade from that cold dinghy cell.

I was resting on the bed when the orange oversized umpa lumpa showed up. He suggested "I wash off"
As if I had the energy for that.
I was so done.

The room had a small a bathroom attached so I liked over sat in the bath and began to run it, the warm water felt nice, until it started to burn my wounds and cuts. Soon the water turned red.

I managed to get clean finally and even found some fresh bandages, the bath gave me a little bit more energy, it felt nice to be clean.
I mean my hair was soft not dry and knotty from all the dried blood in it, my wounds were cleaned and didn't have dirt or mud in, I wasn't in my ripped bloody dirty ninja suit anymore, I mean it was still ripped but usually I'll wear a white tank top under it and I'm glad I was when I was captured, the top half of my gii was in a corner I could see the blood on it from a mile away, but I washed the bottom half in the bath and let it air dry, so it wasn't that bad.

I checked the clock, it was around 4pm, I decided to rest for today as I still didn't have enough energy for tomorrow.


What's Nadakhan planning with the ninja?
What does he really want with infinite wishes?
In fact does he even want the infinite wishes?

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