Wish 2

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Jay was sat in his cell for 4 hours thinking on what to do.
He was deciding whether to use a wish or not, but that would get him no where, his mind was clustered in thoughts, regrets and concerns.
He just wish- hoped his friends were okay..

Suddenly flintlocke was knocking at jays cell, "hey mate, cap'in wants to see you again." He said while giving jay a hand.

He escorted jay to Nadakhan room, "here he is cap'in" flintlocke bowed and exited closing the door behind him.

Jay didn't feel like being polite, so he just groaned "what do you wanttt"
Nadakhan smiled and said "what I'm not allowed to be nice?"
Jay was confused until Nadakhan teleported jay to a chair and bandaged minor wounds, On his arms. The entire time jay was ready to kick him if he tried anything.

-after he was done-

"Nadakhan..." jay said quietly enough for him to barely hear. "Mhm" Nadakhan replied not knowing what to expect.
"Why the actual FUCK would you do that!" Jay yelled not thinking.
"Haha oh, too feel less bad for doing this" Nadakhan injected some kind of drug into jays arm making him
Lose conscience.

Nya PoV:
Where the hell are you jay, nya thought to herself, she felt so lost without jay, and the last time I saw him we fought. "Why am I so stupid.." nya quietly whispered to herself.

"NYA WE HAVE A LEAD!" Kai yelled in excitement.
Nya rushed to Kai.
Kai then explained how someone reported a flying ship heading towards south.
"Why would they go south?" Nya asked,
"Actually, we don't know but it can't be good.." Kai said tensing the muscles in his face.

Flintlocke PoV:

"Cap'in why are we doing this again?" I questioned.
"You'll see.." Nadakhan muttered while staring at a tall snow peaked mountain.
I hated how captain always kept me in the dark, I'm his right hand man for lords sake. I started to question my loyalty as I saw-
What was his name again?
Jay I think?
But he was tied in a chair unaware of what was going to happen...
His mouth was taped shut and his wrists were tied together with rope, his legs were handcuffed to the chair and his upper body was taped around the chair.

Nya PoV:

suddenly we saw a flying ship in the distance parking at a snowy mountain, we were around 3-4 miles behind it as we decided to take mini mechs and chase it down, so we're not as visible, I was determined to find jay, and I hoped he was fine.

We were running up the mountain until we felt it shake.

"This isn't any old peak. ITS AN ACTIVE VOLCANO, WE NEED TO BE CAREFUL FROM NOW ON!" Zane yelled so everyone could hear.

Jay PoV:

I slowly woke up unable to move, my vision was blurry and my head hurt I saw nadakhan but I felt to week to even question.
I laid my head back in the cold hard chair backing, then he noticed my awaking.
"Someone's tired" nadakhan joked,
I shut my eyes and hoped my pain would fade till I heard a bang.

"WHERE IS JAY NADAKHAN!" I heard Kai scream.
"Your friend is safe, relax it not like I killed him." Nadakhan said while uncovering my mouth.
"Jay are you alright" nya and Cole said in sync.
I was too weak to answer but gave a small nod.

I don't know what happened but a massive battle broke out and "surprisingly" the pirates were winning. Nadakhan was beside me suddenly I saw nya about to be hit so I muttered loud enough for Nadakhan to hear
"I wish Kai smith. Nya smith, Lloyd garmadon, Cole brookstone and Zane julien were in the monastery of spinjiztsu safe and sound." I made sure there weren't any holes, suddenly they all vanished and Nadakhan seemed ¿relieved?.

This wasn't good...

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