The reason

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"Your my mother"
I said hurt, I never thought I'd actually meet her.

"Why, why did you-"
I started to tear, she abandoned me, her child did she not want me or- my thoughts were cut off by her talking.

"Jayden, listen and listen well, the truth is I never wanted to leave you with ed and edna, but I knew it would be safer for you, safer for us."

"What do u mean?" I asked

"You see, your father may have been rich but he was a greedy, manipulative, alcoholic. He let his fame and money get to him, he started to spend it like it was nothing, every other night he'd bring home a case of beers or a bottle of wine and he'd drink it while online shopping for clothes, expensive decor anything really, I got tired of it but every time I spoke up about it he'd-
Punch me, push me, punish me for being unreasonable or dumb or whatever, after that we had you, I loved you with everything in my heart, the thing is your farther loved "you" to, but he didn't love you or me. He loves the power we gave him, the elemental power of lightning, he only married me for it and when you were born he knew you'd inherit it, he told me how he wanted to use it for evil, so I took you and ran away, I left you at Ed's and Edna's so he couldn't find you-. I just wanted you to be safe-"
My mother started crying,

I gave her a massive hug
"I love you too mum" I said before we both gave into a long needed embrace.

-The next day-

Jay PoV:
You know I still cannot believe cliff was abusive, god I feel so bad for mum she just wanted me to be safe and not even considering her own safety..
My legs dangled of the side of the bed when the was a knock on the bedroom door,
"Hey sparks, made you some more tea to help with the side-"
"Side affects of being electrocuted, I know mum" I said with a smile on my face as she came up to me to hug me, it's only been a day and I feel like I've known her my whole life! I'm just glad I have her in my life again.
"sooo- TELL ME EVERYTHING IMPORTANT" she quickly said after I took a sip of the tea.
"Well- im currently engaged!-" "REALLY! TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT HER!" Libber squealed in excitement, "Her names nya-" "Nya? Like maya and rays daughter?" "yes she's the elemental master of water, she's is just amazing, like where do I even start to describe her-"
We talked for about 2ish hours,
"and that's how I survived in a video game!" I finished

I saw mum start to tear up, "what wrong?" I asked
"It's just.. I missed so much of your life, I could've been there for all of it but-"
"Don't talk like that" I interrupted, "it wasn't your fault, and besides your here now that's what matters"
"Yes I guess you're right" she said. Suddenly her phone started to ring,
It's flint and it's not good-

Nya PoV-
Nadakhan: "idk where he went he vanished a couple of days ago"
Nya was upset she didn't know where her Yang was but at the same time she was relieved he wasn't in Nadakhans grasp anymore.
Lloyd started "so instead of sending us another message that jays disappeared you let us waste everyone's time just to come here"
Cole: "you know we could've looked for jay in our free time instead of coming here"

Nadakhan: "that's exactly why I didn't tell you till late, you really think I want you guys looking or finding the key to the thing I want most right now?
If I had told you he was missing then you wouldn't have come and then my backup plan would be useless."

Kai: "what do you mean backup plan?"

Suddenly the ninja was under attack, by low class pirates, and Nadakhan and his crew, flintlocke, dogsshank, doubloon, monkey wrench, clancy. All of them.
There were thrown into a vengestone cell and had no way of escaping.
"If I can't find jay, he'll have to find you." Nadakhan laughed in front of then as he stood above the cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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