Day 2- "the dinner"

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Jay PoV:
I opened my eyes slowly, my arms were numb and my left leg shook full of pain. The right leg was being held down by the ball and chain.
"Wake up mate'" Flintlocke yelled while banging on the metal cage.
"I'm awake, I'm awake!" I say in response,
"Great cap'in wants you on the-"
"Deck? Yea I know" I say in exhaustion.
"You know for this being your first time here you sure do know the cap'in" Flintlocke questioned.
"Yea we have a past.." I say in pain while rising to my feet.
I climbed the boxes and Flintlocke helped me up. He handed me a mop and ordered me to sweep the entirety of the deck.
Heh funny to think last time I was in this position I tried to escape. Won't be trying that again I thought to myself.
"How you doing?" Nadakhan said purposely scaring me.
It made me jump a little, hurting my leg a bit.
"HaHa mind warning me before you do that" I said fed of this evil man.
"Have you thought about our deal he said resting his hand on my shoulder.
"Yes I have, but I DONT have an answer yet" I said pushing his hand of me.
"Alright, Alright make sure you have an answer by tomorrow sundown..." he laughed as he teleported away.
I continued sweeping the deck until I got a major head ache. My cheek from where it got cut started to sting really bad, but I pulled through the pain.

For about 5 minutes, until I couldn't take it I began to lose conscience and I fainted. As my eyes closed I heard Clancy and Nadakhan talking.
"I t-think w-we rough-roughened h-hi-m up a b-b-bit to m-much" Clancy said.
"He'll be fine, just leave him to me." Nadakhan said but he didn't say it in a fed up or bored voice he said it in a concerned way? NO I must be remembering it wrong- right?
Suddenly i lost ALL conscience..

Nya PoV:

"Nya we've been looking here for two day with no rest, I think it's time we head back to the monastery." Wu said with deep concern ..
I yawn, "I guess some rest would be nice" I said full of shame and guilt.

I'll find you soon Jay..

Jay PoV:

My eyes slowly lifted. I was met in a room almost like a hospital. I sat up my body was exhausted, and in pain, the bandages had been changed and properly secured on my leg and arms. I felt my check to feel an actual plaster on my deep wound.

"I see you're awake, I better tell cap'in" Flintlocke said while walking in the room.
"Jay your awake! That was quicker then expected"

Nadakhan said creeping up behind Flintlocke.
He teleported us to a large table full of foods and treats.
"Ha I see what you're doing" I yelled.
"You've done all this before! First scrap and tap and now a big dinner could you be more unoriginal!"
I snickered
"I may be the same but I can you aren't, you've learnt you lesson, after all you've been well behaved," Nadakhan laughed ,"now please sit!"
I sat down slowly and asked "what do you want or are you here to remind me I have 1 more day" I rolled my eyes, despite the fact I've only been kidnapped by him twice I knew him well.

"Ok fine you've caught me" he admitted.
He snapped his fingers and tape was applied round my mouth.
"Don't worry it's just temporary!"
"There's a lot I need to break down for you,
First: you obviously know how last time I wanted to marry- what was her name again? Nya? Anyway, I found it interesting how last time you did anything to save her, I found it quite.. amazing in other words.."
He said as he rested his arm on my shoulder.
"You'd do anything to save your friends, but would they do anything to save you?" Nadakhan laughed

I felt sick to the stomach. I almost vomited. He's actually trying to kill me, there's no way anyone would say that and not try their hardest to break someone..

"So I'm reminding you about the deal.. You marry me I'll leave your friends alone I won't touch them or lay a hand on them. If you don't I'll torcher you your friends and your Yang... Nya" "That is who you're married to correct?" He says while holding up my Yin necklace. His hook glided across my chin, there's no fucking chance he actually wants to do this.
I took a deep breath tried to calm myself I had just barely recovered from scrap 'n tap there's no way I can go back there!

He snapped his fingers and the tape was removed, I was speechless, I was weak and helpless, just where he wanted me..

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