Nadakhans plan

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Jay PoV:

I started worrying severely:
For one, I only have 1 wish left,
Two, why the fuck was nadakhan relieved the others were gone,
And three, I was too hurt to fight back for whatever he planned to do next.

I didn't know where I was or why I was there, I was chained to the same chair in the same way as before, but there was a blindfold and noise cancelling headphones on me, he also decided to put metal around my mouth like he did before.

Suddenly I felt some one touch my shoulder, the unchained my arms and legs and escorted me to another room, I was forced to kneel and my hands were chained to the ground

Some lifted the headphones and I heard

"Don't you think this is a bit far cap'in" I assumed it was flintlocke from the accent,
"Not if he gives up quickly, besides why do you care for the boy anyway?" Nadakhan said, it made my worrying 10x worse,
"I don't sir, I'm jus' sayin' sometimes you can go to far with your enemies-" flintlock stopped and continued, "why do you want to make him suff'r so bad anyway, you've never talked 'bout him before?" Flintlock questioned.
"Let's just say we're old buddies" Nadakhan said completely avoiding the question, I heard some leave or someone enter I wasn't to sure.

But then I felt a warm presence infront of me just knew who it was after all he smells like he hasn't showed in decades- my thoughts were cut off as I heard him say.

"Hey blue ninja~" Nadakhan said in a tone I didn't like, it was screaming "I'm gonna make you suffer" crossed with "you'll never defeat me".

He made the metal around my mouth vanish, so I spoke, "you can skip the whole mysterious thing, what do you want to do with me" I was fed up with his games, at this point I was tempted to wish it all away out of spite, besides that not what he wants this time anyway.

"Alright then since your so desperate to know" Nadakhan replied, he took of my blindfold and made me shook, I now knew his plan I felt sick to the stomach, and started to tear up.

"Shit" I thought "this isn't good"


Cole PoV:

"NO FOR FUCKS SAKE JAY" I screamed as I punched the monastery wall,
"We can't blame him.." nya spoke up, she took a deep breath "he was only trying to protect me Kai put his hand on her shoulder.
I turned to see Zane it looked like he was.. worried,
"Zane what wrong.." I asked him curiously and concerned.
"Before we teleported here, or much rather jay wished us to safety, I came across a room.." he paused
"..which I assumed the device in it he'll use on jay.."

Lloyd spoke up, "Zane what was the device" he said scared for his friend

He stayed silent, we all knew something bad was going to happen to jay..
And he fucking took us away from protecting him, that idiot, when- if I see him again I'm going kill him myself..


Flintlocke PoV:

"Dogshank do you 'ave a minute?" I asked I needed to talk with her.
"Why, what's up Flint?" She asked curiously.
"Cap'in is up to something bad and I think he's hiding stuff from us."
She stood there in shock, she finally spoke "what's going on?"
*I explained everything about the device and how cap'in refused to tell me why he was using it again the blue ninja*
She looked at me in horror, "he can't do that that's way to far" I let out a simple "mhm"

"He's planning to use it tonight.. I say we come up with a plan to rescue him," I say.
"How are we going to do that?" She asks
"With this" I say holding up the tiger widow, I never trusted cap'in ever since he tricked me into joining his crew I knew there was going to be a time I needed to rebel, so I risked my life to get the once thing to slow him down.
She looked shocked but replied with "let's do this"
"So here's the plan-" I said scheming a way to save the blue ninja,

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