Day 1- "scrap n' tap"

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Jay PoV:

I woke up on one of the most uncomfortable floors I'll ever lay on.
"Jay I see your awake, how are you? Have a response for the deal?" Nadakhan looked down, smiled and glared at me.
"No infact I haven't thought about it." I lied.
"Well you will have plenty of time to think about it after one of your favourite games!" I looked at him in confusion.
"Remember scarp n' tap?" He laughed
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I shouted at him.
He grabbed my arm and teleported me to the arena.
Doubloon stepped in, I suddenly realised I was chained just like last time.
"Hey buddy, remember me?, so I say we put down the weapon and have a friendly chat" I gulped.
He used his staff and hit me round the thigh pushing me to the ground. My hands we grazed and my thigh was bruised, as I stood up he kicked my shin, I kept my balance and landed a few kicks on him, but got poked harshly in the stomach with his staff making me almost vomit.i was on all fours in till I was kicked onto my back and my stomach got jabbed by the staff and then the countdown began.
"Doubloon wins!" Nadakhan laughs "but there's no surprise there, who's next?.. How about Dogshank?"

I managed to get on my feet before being thrown on my back right in front of the crowd of low rank pirates. They all cheered I crawled towards Dogshank I slowly stood up all the way and I punched her in the gut, which was the biggest mistake I could have made, my fist got bruised very badly. Before I could react she kicked me in the face I fell on my back, she lifted me up by the throat, strangling me

She yelled "victory is mine!" Before throwing me on the floor. Nadakhan approached me and whispered in my ear "have an answer yet?" In a cruel twisted voice,
"Wh-who's nex-t" I said in utter pain, a tear fell from my eye as I managed to stand on 2 feet.
Flintlocke stood forward and said
"I'll go easy on ya and use a sword, as it's not exactly my strong point haha," he laughed with confidence.

I landed a punch on him, a millisecond later he cut my arm, the wound wasn't too deep, but it stung and almost bled immediately after, I gasped in pain.
I turned swiftly and put my fists up he suddenly swing his sword I bent back and it made a small, deep cut against my cheek. I got kicked in the knee then fell to the floor.
"FLINTLOCKE WINS!!" Nadakhan screams in laughter
"Good game mate'." Flintlocke bowed as I attempt to get up, three more tears roll down my face.

-after a few more rounds with low ranked pirates-

I sat in my cell bruised, bleeding and hurt, suddenly clancee climbed down into my cell and gave me some bandages and bandana for my cheek wound.
I tied the bandana in a diagonal way across my face, covering my left cheek and eye. And used the bandages around my arms and unchained leg.

"N-now you look L-like a rea-l p-p-pirate-te." He said while climbing out.

I guess history is repeating its self I thought to myself.

Cole PoV:
"Any luck Zane?" I asked through the communicator.
"Negative, what about you?" Zane asked while looking through the urban villages.
"If I did would I really be asking you?" I asked sarcastically.
"Sorry I've been on edge ever since jay went missing." I apologised.
"It's alright, it's understandable how you are acting." Zane replied.

Kai PoV:
"Hey have you seen my friend? About 5,2, browny orangey hair, one blue and one brown eye?" I asked hoping for a yes.
"No, I'm really sorry I hope you find the kid soon" the stranger replied.
Haha kid? He's 19. I thought to myself.
"Kai any luck?" Lloyd shouted while running to him.
"No all I've been getting are people saying no and thinking he's a kid" Kai laughed. Trying to lighten the mood.
"Zane called and said him and Cole were having no luck." Lloyd said upsettingly.
"Don't worry I'm sure we'll find him" Kai patted Lloyds back in a reassuring way.

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