Chapter 6

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As I emerged from the water, I turned to look at my camp. What I saw were riders on horses. They appeared to be knights, wearing black and green armor with a flag displaying a coat of arms that I could not make out from this distance. Behind them, there were other wagons with people and supplies. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like there was a group of adventurers. Each individual was equipped with different weapons and armor, suggesting that they were from different races, such as beastmen, humans, elves, demons, and possibly some dwarves.

As I started heading towards the shore, some of them began to notice me, so I am pretty sure they have already noticed my camp setup. From the looks of it, the leader of the knights seems pretty interested in me, and there are some adventurers that I do not particularly like how they are staring at me. I know my body is attractive, but this is new to me. I do not like the lustful look in the eye of this one adventurer who just so happens to be between me and my tent.

As I step on solid ground, I grab my towels, put one on my head and the other around my shoulders, and put the rest of the stuff in my space. Then I begin to dry my hair and walk to my tent. The adventurer that was staring at me was slightly taller than me from the looks of it, is a bear Beastman. I can smell it from here. He has a stale, sour smell to him, not handsome. I wanted nothing to do with him, so I continued walking until I almost passed him. Next thing I know, he's trying to slap my ass while saying an insult.

"I hear Merfolk have a high sex drive. If so, do you want to try a night with me, my beautiful one?" he said.

When I heard him say that, something came over me, almost like a black haze, and my body moved without me telling it to. I feel my talons from my mermaid farm flex on my fingers and slice something almost rubbery, in feel. Next thing I know, I am staring at the man on the ground howling in pain from his Achilles tendon on both his feet being sliced apart, and my finger is dripping in blood. I realized that my body went into muscle memory mode and attacked him.

Now the feeling of muscle memory is a fascinating and remarkable experience. It is the sensation of effortlessly performing a task or movement without conscious thought or deliberate effort. It is akin to a dance between your body and mind, where your muscles seem to have a mind of their own.

When muscle memory takes over, it feels almost automatic, as if your body knows exactly what to do without you having to consciously think about it. It is like a well-rehearsed performance where each movement flows seamlessly into the next, with a sense of fluidity and precision.

There is a certain comfort and familiarity that comes with muscle memory. It is as if your body has created its repository of knowledge, storing the repetitive actions and sequences you have practiced over time. It becomes ingrained in your muscles, ingrained in your very being.

The feeling of muscle memory is often accompanied by a sense of confidence and ease. There is a natural rhythm and efficiency to your movements as if your body has found its optimal path. It is a state where you can trust your instincts and let go of conscious control, allowing your body to take charge and perform with grace.

Engaging in an activity driven by muscle memory can be a deeply satisfying experience. It frees up mental space, allowing your mind to wander or focus on other aspects of the task at hand. It is a moment of liberation from the constraints of conscious thought.

As I stood there, staring at the man writhing in pain, a mix of emotions flooded over me. I was both horrified by my actions and strangely satisfied. It was as if a part of me had unleashed a primal instinct, a side that I had never known existed. But deep down, I knew that what I had done was necessary. I couldn't allow myself to be disrespected or objectified in such a way.

The other adventurers and knights watched in shock and disbelief, unsure of how to react. Some whispered amongst themselves, while others kept quiet. I could sense the tension in the air, the uncertainty of what would happen next.

Not wanting to cause a scene anymore, I turn around and begin to walk to my tent. I turn my head and say over my shoulder to the man who's on the ground screaming in pain, "The pain that you feel is the result of your actions. My advice to you is to learn how to distinguish the strength of your opponent. Because if you did know how to do that, you'd know that you just messed with an S-rank adventure." I say as I enter the range of my barrier artifact. As I walk into my tent, his screams turn silent.

As I dry myself off in the middle of the living room of my tent, and start to change into some clean clothes, similar to what I was just wearing I begin to think about what just happened. It was almost like my soul bonded more with my body instead of thinking of this body as someone else's. It's more mine now which is weird how old memories that came with this buddy of mine have now integrated with me it's very unsettling but also exciting I can't wait for the possibilities. I have just done a lot for my future.

As my thought wanders, I hear it chime from outside my tent, which indicates someone trying to come in from the barrier I grow curious as to who is bold enough to contact me after the display I just participated in. I put my hair up in a tall ponytail and walk out of the tent to see who this individual is.

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