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Not relevant to the story. I'm just letting you all know how this will go down.

If you read or are reading my other book, you'll know how I roll. I believe that style will remain throughout this work as well. It's just how my mind works, so although this will be a Black Widow fic, it might be pretty slow.

And for those reading my other fic, I know that I said I would wait until after I finished it before I started this one, but I couldn't help myself! These thoughts just kept popping up. If I at least get it started, I'm hoping it'll stop buzzing around my mind.

I do not own any Marvel characters or photos used in this work. They all belong to their respective creators.

Any names recognized as those from real life are purely coincidental. It could just be that I'm a fan of the name.

This will be a mishmash of comics, MCU, and other supernatural stuff.

No set schedule at this time.

Oh, and I enjoy reading comments. So please don't hold yourself back and express yourself freely.

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